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Archive: 20 December 2014

Posts in 20 December 2014

Pay Compensation for illegal detention of goods by VAT Department : HC

December 20, 2014 1357 Views 0 comment Print

It is undisputed that the sole basis for detention of the tanker in question and seizure of the bitumen by the Respondent No.4 was the information collected by him from the toll plaza which revealed that last four digit of the registration number of the tanker in question was similar

Renting Vs Hiring By Uttrakhand High Court

December 20, 2014 7105 Views 0 comment Print

The main thrust of the present article is to analyse the landmark judgment given by the Hon’ble Uttrakhand High Court recently, in the case of Commissioner of Customs & Central Excise Vs Sachin Malhotra, Raj Kumar Taneja, and M/s Shiva Travels [2014-TIOL-2039-HC-UTTRAKHAND-ST] wherein the difference between renting and hiring has been reported for the purpose of levying service tax under the category of Rent a cab services.

TDS U/s. 194C attracted on contract of putting up hoarding

December 20, 2014 38510 Views 0 comment Print

The assessee has shownexpenditure on advertisement through outdoor display which includes payment for advertisement on hoarding/board. The A.O. further noticed that the assessee has deducted TDS @ 2% u/s.194C on these payments.

Goods & Service Tax Council to Monitor Implementation of GST

December 20, 2014 1514 Views 0 comment Print

The Constitution (One Hundred & Twenty Second Amendment) Bill,2014 as proposed under Bill No. 192 of 2014 in Parliament on 19th December,2014 focus on setting up of an important key body for smoother , Faster and hassle free implementation of Goods & Service Tax and that is Goods & Service Tax Council.

Why an assessee should avoid sending an appeal by speed post?

December 20, 2014 1196 Views 0 comment Print

1. As per Section 37C(1)(a), it was mandatory on the part of the Revenue to serve a copy of the order of Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals) by registered post with acknowledgment due to the assessee .

Employees First, Customers Second – Management for New Era

December 20, 2014 1181 Views 0 comment Print

This is not a lecture or new theory but some insights into the new management era based on lessons learned from Business leaders and the new management thinking and I strongly believe that there will be a major shift in management philosophy(ies) in next five to ten years. If we fail to change our notions […]

E-Retailing – VAT and CST perspective

December 20, 2014 3947 Views 0 comment Print

E-Retailing transactions are growing by leaps and bounds, day by day, because of convenience, choice, cost competitiveness and transparency being offered. With increase in volume and value of these transactions, naturally taxman’s eyes are on these transactions, to explore the possibility of levy of VAT or CST as the case may be, and to investigate about possible evasion of tax.

The ‘GST’ Constitution Amendment Bill, (No. 192 of 2014) – Facilitating GST Law (An Analysis)

December 20, 2014 5924 Views 0 comment Print

One of the major Indirect tax reforms that the country is now on road to witness is the incarnation of a single GST law instead of multiple indirect taxes viz Service Tax, Central Excise, VAT, CST, Local Body Tax, Entry Tax etc. After a round of discussions of Hon’ble Finance Minister with State FM’s, the […]

e-UPASS-Self Policing – Electronic uploading of Purchase and Sales Statement in Karnataka

December 20, 2014 11137 Views 0 comment Print

The main intention of Govt., to repel old Sales Tax and introduce VAT was to remove cascading effect and thereby make Indian goods more competitive and marketable and in turn to raise good amount of taxes for the benefit of common man. The Govt., later realised in a country like ours success of this story […]

Govt. has no role to play in determining pass percentage of CA exams

December 20, 2014 7385 Views 0 comment Print

Conducting of CA Exams All activities connected with conduct of examinations by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the Institute of Cost Accountants of India including setting of papers, valuation, pass percentage, declaration of results etc. are undertaken by the Institutes themselves. Accordingly, Central Government has no role to play in determining pass […]

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