Income Tax Rules provide that the following persons shall pay tax electronically (i.e. internet banking facility or through credit/debit cards) on or after the 1st day of August, 2008: i. A company; and ii. A person (other than a company), to whom the provisions of section 44AB of the Income-Tax Act 1961 are applicable. As […]
Effective from 01.07.2013 in terms of service tax notification no 12/2013-ST, All SEZ Unit/ Developers/ Co-developers have to provide Form A2 authorisation from service tax authority for availing the upfront service tax exemption otherwise first pay service tax and claim refund of it from the Govt.
The Directorate of Income Tax (Audit) desired for providing list of auditable cases (u/s 143(3), 144 & 147) from the Income Tax Database. 2. Since, it is important to provide requisite information to the offices of Audit across the country in a structured manner on regular basis, a new functionality has been provided in the ITD application to generate MIS of auditable cases (u/s 143(3), 144 & 147) from the System.