Investing in the stock market can never be easy with only one source of information. Very often, the investors of the stock market conduct their own analysis rather than hiring stock market experts. These investors are reliant on the information that is presented to them by external sources or they normally generate their own trends for the stocks that they invest in.
.It is observed from the information provided by the depositories that the companies listed in Annexure ‘A’ have established connectivity with both the depositories.
A Dealer had applied for registration on 27th December 2013 under Voluntary Registration Scheme and was granted registration on 15th February 2014. This dealer is required to file quarterly return for the QE 31St December 2013 on or before 21st January 2014.
A declaration to be furnished by the firm that credit facilities availed by the firm or the partners or firms in which they are partners or directors including any facility availed by a third party for which the firm or its partners are guarantors are not turned or are existing as nonperforming assets as per the prudential norms of RBI.
The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) has denied the report that the Customs, Excise Duty and Service Tax refunds/drawbacks are being held-up by the Department. This was mentioned in a certain section of media attributing to a statement by President, Federation of India Export Organisations (FIEO) to the effect that Customs, Excise Duty […]
We many times receives excel files from various sources. Sheets of which are password protected by the author of the file. Sometimes we need to change the content of the file to suit our requirements but we will not be able to make the changes if the excel sheet is password protected. This document will […]
Whereas, in the matter of Meta Phenylene Diamine (MPDA) (hereinafter referred to as the subject goods), falling under Chapter 29 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act
the matter of review of anti-dumping duty on import of the subject goods, originating in or exported from the subject countries, the designated authority vide its final findings