Several instances have come to the notice of the Board Where due to certain technical or other reasons (which inter-alia included wrong migration of PAN and delayed release of returns by the Centralized Processing Cell to the jurisdictional authorities), intimation in refund cases could not be sent to the concerned assessees within the time-frame
1. Pending Service Tax refunds/rebates for export of services – Issue: The prescribed procedure demands documents from other departments, particularly matching of FIRCs with export invoices by banks, on which the taxpayer does not have control.
The Supreme Court today held in the case of Manohar Lal Sharma Versus The Principal Secretary and Ors. that no approval from the Centre is required by CBI to prosecute senior bureaucrats in court-monitored corruption cases, strengthening the arms of the agency to go ahead against the officials without taking prior sanction from government.
Recently while visiting home page of CBEC website I have noticed that on the page CBEC has placed a link titled ‘ Defaulters of Customs & Central Excise ‘ . When I clicked on this link I observed that the link is displaying list of defaulters area wise and covers defaulters from Major Cities of India.
The Central Bureau of Investigation has arrested a Joint Commissioner of Income Tax (IRS:2003 Batch), Bhubaneswar and an Income Tax Officer, Ward-1, Dhenkanal (Odisha) in a bribery case of Rs.Five Lakh.
Republic of India and Republic of Macedonia signed the new Agreement for the avoidance Of Double Taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion (DTAA) with respect to taxes on income . The Salient features of this agreement are as under:
Having heard the rival submissions and perused the relevant material on record, there is no dispute in principle that the amount is otherwise disallowable on merits as has been accepted by the ld. AR in response to the second ground of the Revenue’s appeal.
Sub-Section 3 of Section 35R and Section 131BA provides that if an appeal has not been filed by the Department following Instructions issued for not filing appeal below the monetary limit, no person, being a party in appeal, shall contend that the Department has acquiesced in the decision on the disputed issue by not filing appeal.
Comments/views/suggestions invited on simplification of provisions relating to distribution of input service credit by Input Service Distributor in CENVAT Credit Amendment Rules – Last date of submission is 27th December, 2013. The same may also be emailed to
The Council in its meeting held on November 22, 2013 unanimously decided to approach Central Government seeking the following amendments to the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 on priority: a. While the name of the Institute remains ICSI, its members may be named as governance professionals;