The last extended date for payment of annual membership fee for the year 2013-14 is 31st August, 2013. The members who are yet to pay the same are requested to make the payment immediately. Members whose annual membership fee is not received by 31st August, 2013 shall be required to pay the entrance fee (Rs. […]
I am directed to invite your attention to notification No. 12/2012-Central Excise (S. Nos. 337&338), dated 17-03-2012, which provides exemption to machinery, instruments, apparatus and appliances etc. required for setting up of ultra-mega/ mega power projects.
The Finance Act, 2011 for the first time introduced the provisions relating to Alternate Minimum tax for the Limited Liability partnerships. In order to moderate the outgo of profit linked deductions, the Finance Minister in the year 2012, extended the levy of this tax to all non corporate assesses. The onerous responsibility to verify the […]
No Cause for Panic due to Currency Market Volatility; Government has No Intention to Introduce Any Capital Controls: FM The Union Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram said that revival and encouragement of growth will continue to be the focus of the Government. Shri Chidambaram said that stronger growth will, in course of time, alleviate many […]
Please refer to our Circular DBOD.No.BP.BC.92/21.04.141/2012-13 dated May 15, 2013 on ‘SLR Holdings under Held to Maturity Category’ in terms of which banks are permitted to exceed the limit of 25 per cent of total investments under the Held to Maturity (HTM) category provided:
The Government has said that the reports appearing in a section of media indicate that a Section 25 Company, “Thought Arbitrage Research Institute” has published a study indicating inter alia occurrence of frauds in companies due to factors like inadequate internal control procedures, diversion of funds by promoters/ top management, failure of audit in detection […]
Fast Track Exit Mode for Defunct Companies The Ministry of Corporate Affairs launched “Fast Track Exit Mode” on 03.07.2011 to provide an opportunity for defunct companies under Section 560 of the Companies Act, 1956 for getting their names struck off from the register of companies, to facilitate the exit of such defunct companies without getting […]