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Archive: 19 June 2012

Posts in 19 June 2012

Validity of reassessment proceedings initiated u/s 147 to successor of business

June 19, 2012 546 Views 0 comment Print

Whether reassessment proceedings initiated u/s 147 to successor of business on account of omission and failure to disclose fully and truly all material facts necessary for determining the income chargeable to tax for these assessment years is valid?

2% Interest subvention on rupee export credit wef April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013

June 19, 2012 1601 Views 0 comment Print

Government of India has decided to extend interest subvention of 2% on rupee export credit with effect from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013 on the same terms and conditions to the following sectors : i. Handicrafts Carpet . Handlooms Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) (as defined in Annex) Readymade garments Processed Agriculture Products Sport Goods Toys

DTAA with Norway

June 19, 2012 5061 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 24/2012-Income Tax Section 90 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 – Double Taxation Agreement – Agreement for Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of fiscal evasion with foreign countries – Norway. Whereas an Agreement between the Republic of India and the Kingdom of Norway for the avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital was signed at New Delhi on the 2nd day of February, 2011;

Service Tax on Audit fees collected by CAG

June 19, 2012 3846 Views 0 comment Print

Circular No. 159/10/2012-ST A doubt has been raised whether service tax is leviable on the audit fees collected by the CAG for conducting directly, audit of corporations. Reportedly some field formations are inclined to take a view that such ‘audit fee’ collected by the CAG is leviable to service tax under the authority of the inclusive portion of the definition of practicing chartered accountant read with the relevant definition of the taxable service [Section 65(83) read with section 65(105)(s) of Finance Act, 1994].

Prescribed majority of shareholders entitled to decide whether there should be a reduction in capital or not – HC

June 19, 2012 3023 Views 0 comment Print

Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd. [122 (2005) DLT 612], albeit, in context of reduction of share capital. In that case also, the scheme of the reduction was such that many shareholders like the applicants in the instant case were deprivation of their shareholdings on payment of certain price. The Court took note of the general rule that it was the prescribed majority of the shareholders which is entitled to decide whether there should be a reduction in capital or not. After taking note of various judgments

Financial Inclusion-Opening of Aadhaar Enabled Bank Accounts

June 19, 2012 496 Views 0 comment Print

RPCD.CO.RRB.BC.No. 88/03.05.33/2011-12 In view of the timelines attached to the implementation of EBT for routing MGNREGA wages and social security benefits including proposed cash transfers in respect of subsidies on Kerosene, LPG and Fertilisers, you are requested to ensure opening of Aadhaar Enabled Bank Accounts (AEBA) of all the beneficiaries including those residing in villages with less than 2000 population.

RBI Committee recommends Risk Based Supervision for Commercial Banks

June 19, 2012 1650 Views 0 comment Print

The HLSC was mandated to suggest measures for making the supervisory processes for commercial banks more effective and useful to the supervised entities as well. The terms of reference for the Committee included a mandate for reviewing the extant approach, methodology, processes/tools for onsite and off-site supervision, supervisory rating and stress testing frameworks and recommending measures for a gradual progression to a risk based supervision framework. The Committee has since submitted its Report to the Governor on June 11, 2012.

Roadmap-Provision of Banking Services in Villages with Population below 2000

June 19, 2012 2130 Views 0 comment Print

State Level Bankers’ Committees (SLBCs) are now mandated to prepare a roadmap covering all unbanked villages of population less than 2000 and notionally allot these villages to banks for providing banking services, in a time-bound manner. The notional allotment is only intended to ensure that all villages are provided with at least one banking outlet for providing banking services and does not deny or bar any other bank from operating in these areas based on the available business potential.

Monetary Policy Statement 2012-13 – IT & IS Governance structures

June 19, 2012 745 Views 0 comment Print

Please refer to the paragraphs 121-123 of the Monetary Policy Statement 2012-13, wherein we have emphasized the importance of implementing IT and IS Governance structure in banks. It is expected that all banks adopt appropriate frameworks for both IT and IS Governance and put in place the proper structure and systems. Accordingly, we request you to take up suitable steps at your end in this regard and ensure that the issues relating to governance, information security and business continuity get adequate attention at the Board level. In this regard, the document prepared by IDRBT on the ‘Organizational Structure for IT in the Indian Banking Sector’ can serve as a reference manual.

Works Contract viz-a-viz Commercial or Industrial Construction Services – Valuation & Abatement Issues

June 19, 2012 30100 Views 4 comments Print

Recently Service Tax (Determination of Valuation Rules), 2012 vide Notification No. 11/2012 –S.T dated 17.03.2012 amended the Service Tax (Determination of Value) Rules, 2006 which were supposed to come into force from the date on which the new Section 66B (the new charging Section) comes into effect i.e. 1st July 2012 but the said Rules got superseded before coming into force vide Notification no. 24/2012-ST dated 06.06.2012 (the Notification no. 24/2012-ST).

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