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Archive: 07 March 2012

Posts in 07 March 2012

Merely because the department preferred appeal before the Honble High Court is no ground to take a different view.

March 7, 2012 1364 Views 0 comment Print

CIT(A) deleted addition on account of key man insurance policy relying on ITAT|s decision in assessee|s own case for assessment year 2005- 06 in which the Tribunal in ITA No. 1722/Ahd/2008, date 6-3-2009 and held that premium paid under key man insurance policy on the life of the partners cannot be disallowed. Revenue contended that they had not accepted the order of the Tribunal on this issue for assessment year 2005-06 and appeal was filed before the Gujarat High Court. Held: Merely because the department did not accept the order of Tribunal deleting addition on account of key man insurance premium, and preferred appeal before the High Court, it is no ground to take a different view.

S. 45(3) not permit A.O. to substitute full value of consideration other than the amount recorded in the books of account of joint venture

March 7, 2012 4612 Views 0 comment Print

The profits or gains arising from the transfer of a capital asset by a person to a firm or other association of persons or body of individuals (not being a company or a co-operative society) in which he is or becomes a partner or member, by way of capital contribution or otherwise, shall be chargeable to tax as his income of the previous year in which such transfer takes place and, for the purposes of section 48, the amount recorded in the books of account of the firm, association or body as the value of the capital asset shall be deemed to be the full value of the consideration received or accruing as a result of the transfer of the capital asset.

No tax withholding on remittance by Indian head office to its foreign branch

March 7, 2012 3189 Views 0 comment Print

ITAT held that tax withholding provisions under section 195 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) are not applicable to payments made by the Indian head office to its foreign branch, as both are ‘residents’ according to the Indian Income-tax Act, 1961 and the relevant Double taxation avoidance agreement (the tax treaty) between India and the US. Furthermore, sales made by the Indian HO to its foreign branch are eligible for deduction under section 10A of the Act and are therefore to be included in the ‘export turnover’ when calculating deduction under section 10A of the Act of the Act.

Incidents of Service tax evasion reported by Anti Evasion Unit, Siliguri Commissionerate

March 7, 2012 2385 Views 0 comment Print

In course of an investigation conducted by the Officers of Headquarter Anti Evasion Unit, Siliguri Commissionerate, it revealed that M/s D.K.ENTERPRISE, Nutan Bazar, P.O. + Dist. Cooch Behar, West Bengal, PIN – 736 101 was engaged in providing ‘Management, Maintenance or Repair’ services to National Highway and Public Works (Roads) department in the District of Cooch Behar. They had been providing the service without taking any Service Tax registration and without paying any Service Tax.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on “Unit Scheme of Examination” of Integrated Professional Competence Examination(IPCE)

March 7, 2012 4147 Views 0 comment Print

What is this Unit scheme? A candidate who has passed one of the groups of a) Intermediate Examination under the syllabus as specified in paragraph 2A of Schedule B of Chartered Accountants Regulations 1988 ( i.e. Nov. 1994 or later) or b) Professional Education (Examination II) and desirous of pursuing the CA course shall necessarily be required to convert to Integrated Professional Competence Course(IPCC) stream of education, training and examination, (since exams under Intermediate and PE II courses have been discontinued) and appear in the IPCE Unit Scheme of Examination, in order to complete IPCE.

RBI declares standard rate at which it is prepared to buy or re-discount bills of exchange or other commercial paper eligible for purchase under that RBI Act

March 7, 2012 2931 Views 0 comment Print

Section 49 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 requires the Reserve Bank to make public (from time to time) the standard rate at which it is prepared to buy or re-discount bills of exchange or other commercial paper eligible for purchase under that Act.2. Being the discount rate, the Bank Rate should technically be higher than the policy repo rate. The Bank Rate has, however, been kept unchanged at 6 per cent since April 2003. This was mainly for the reason that monetary policy signalling was done through modulations in the reverse repo rate and the repo rate under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) (till May 3, 2011) and the policy repo rate under the revised operating procedure of monetary policy (from May 3, 2011 onwards). Moreover, under the revised operating procedure, marginal standing facility (MSF), instituted at 100 basis points above the policy repo rate, has been in operation, which in many ways serves the purpose of the Bank Rate.

Whether tax deduction mandatory u/s. 195 on export commission paid to non-resident agent, if so, at what rate?

March 7, 2012 2659 Views 0 comment Print

It is the applicant’s contention that the agents have rendered services abroad and would be entitled to receive commission abroad for the services rendered to foreign clients of the applicant. As the services are rendered outside India, and the payment is receivable by the agents abroad no income would arise under the provisions of section 5(2)(b) read with section 9(1) of the Act. Section 5(2)(b) deals with the scope of total income whereby the income of a non-resident includes all income from whatever source derived, which accrues or arises or is deemed to accrue or arise in India during such previous year.

Overlapping in Classification of service for construction of residential building

March 7, 2012 3885 Views 0 comment Print

With the introduction of deeming provision in the definition of Construction of Complex Service sub-clause (zzzh) of section 65(105) of the Finance Act, 1994 effective from 01-07-2010, construction of residential complex is taxable to builders and it has removed plethora of doubts regarding taxability of builder in service tax gamut.

Service Tax Penalty under Section 76 & 78 prior to May 2008

March 7, 2012 15517 Views 0 comment Print

Where a person is liable to pay service tax u/s 68 and fails to credit the tax or any thereof to the account of the Central Government within the prescribed time limit then he shall be liable to pay taxes along with applicable interest under section 75 and face penal consequences under section 76, 77 and 78. Interest under section 75 is mandatory and automatic. The assessee is required to pay interest along-with the service tax or before filing of service tax return. He is not supposed to wait for a show cause notice from the department. The interest is liable to computed on day to day basis.

Success in profession measured not by the fortune made but on the threshold of learning – Delhi HC

March 7, 2012 1521 Views 0 comment Print

The profession of law has always been known as a noble profession. It is not an empty rhetoric. Success in the profession is measured not by the fortune made but on the threshold of learning. Advocates are known as the officers of the Court. They are expected to possess not only intellectual purity but owe a responsibility to the Court to present the case dispassionately in an upright dignified ethical manner and to display fairness also to their colleagues and in all their dealings. The duty of a lawyer is to assist the Court in the administration of justice and an advocate must not indulge in any activity which may tend to lower the image of the profession in the Society.

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