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Archive: 30 March 2011

Posts in 30 March 2011

Tribunal can extend stay beyond 365 days if delay not attributable to assessee

March 30, 2011 8873 Views 0 comment Print

“Whether in the facts and circumstances of the case where the delay in the disposal of the relevant appeals is not attributable to the assessee, the Tribunal can extend the stay already granted beyond the period of 365 days even after 01.1 0.2008 or it has no power to grant/extend such stay as a result of amendment made by the Finance Act 2008 by substituting third proviso to Section 254(2A) w.e.f. 01.10.2008?”

Rescinds Notification No. 33/2006-Customs, dated the 7th April, 2006 vide Notification No. 33/ 2011- Customs,

March 30, 2011 1081 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 33/ 2011- Customs- Central Government hereby rescinds the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 33/2006-Customs, dated the 7th April, 2006, published in the Gazette of India, vide number G.S.R. 211(E), dated the 7th April, 2006, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such rescission.

The Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 – Clarifications – RBI circular No. DBOD.No. Leg. BC. 83/09.07.005/2010-11

March 30, 2011 1384 Views 0 comment Print

DBOD.No. Leg. BC. 83/09.07.005/2010-11- The Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985- Clarifications. 1. Witness in nomination forms. As you are aware, the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 have been framed in exercise of powers conferred by Section 52 read with Sections 45ZA, 45ZC and 45ZE of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The nomination forms (DA1, DA2 and DA3) have also been prescribed in the Nomination Rules. These forms, inter alia, prescribe that the thumb impression of the accountholder is required to be attested by two witnesses. It has come to our notice that some banks also insist on attestation of signature by witnesses.

NBFCs not to be Partners in Partnership firms – RBI Circular No. DNBS.PD/ CC.NO. 214/03.02.002/2010-11

March 30, 2011 739 Views 0 comment Print

DNBS.PD/ CC.NO. 214/03.02.002/2010-11- It has come to the notice of the Reserve Bank of India that some NBFCs have large investments in / have contributed capital to partnership firms. In view of the risks involved in NBFCs associating themselves with partnership firms, it has been decided to prohibit NBFCs from contributing capital to any partnership firm or to be partners in partnership firms. In cases of existing partnerships, NBFCs may seek early retirement from the partnership firms.

FEMA – Draft Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011

March 30, 2011 1517 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 48 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (42 of 2010), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely: – 1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011. (2) They shall come into force on the date on which the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (42 of 2010) shall come into force.

Notification No. DNBS.227/CGM(US)-2011, Dated 30.3.2011

March 30, 2011 1009 Views 0 comment Print

Insertion of new paragraph 19A– After paragraph 19 of the said Directions, the following paragraph 19A shall be inserted. “NBFCs not to be partners in partnership firms” 19A. (1) No non-banking financial company, which is accepting public deposit shall contribute to the capital of a partnership firm or become a partner of such firm. (2) A non-banking financial company, which is accepting public deposit and which had already contributed to the capital of a partnership firm or was a partner of a partnership shall seek early retirement from the partnership firm.

NBFCs – Amendment in NBF (Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (RB) Directions – Notification No. DNBS. 228/CGM(US)-2011, Dated 30.3.2011

March 30, 2011 1174 Views 0 comment Print

NOTIFICATION NO. DNBS. 228/CGM(US)-2011, DATED 30-3-2011- Insertion of new paragraph 20A– After paragraph 20 of the said Directions, the following paragraph 20A shall be inserted. “NBFCs not to be partners in partnership firms” 20A. (1) No non-banking financial company shall contribute to the capital of a partnership firm or become a partner of such firm. (2) A non-banking financial company, which had already contributed to the capital of a partnership firm or was a partner of a partnership firm shall seek early retirement from the partnership firm.

Notification – Amendment to A, C and D Schedule-Extention of Time Limit- Maharashtra VAT

March 30, 2011 1141 Views 0 comment Print

In SCHEDULE A,—(a) in entry 9A, in column (2), for the figures, letters and words “31st March 2011 or the date on which the Goods and Services Tax Act comes into force, whichever is earlier” the figures, letters and word “31st March 2012” shall be substituted ; (b) in entry 51, in column (2), for the figures, letters and words “31st March 2011 or the date on which the Goods and Services Tax Act comes into force, whichever is earlier” the figures, letters and word “31st March 2012” shall be substituted.

Asset Classification and NPA Provision for F.Y. ending 31st March 2011

March 30, 2011 10884 Views 0 comment Print

Guidelines on Asset Classification- All accounts need to be classified into four categories taking into account the degree of well defined credit weaknesses and extent of dependence on collateral security for realisation of the dues as given under :- 1. Standard Assets- Standard asset is one which does not disclose any problem and which does not carry more than normal risk attached to the business. Such an asset is not an NPA. However, Central Govt. Guaranteed advances, although categorized as NPA for the purpose of Income Recognition, are to be treated as Standard Assets (Govt Guaranteed) unless Govt repudiates its guarantee when invoked.

Bank Audit 2011-Categorization of a Borrowal Account as NPA – Ready Recokner

March 30, 2011 9867 Views 0 comment Print

Cash Credits and Overdrafts- A cash credit or overdraft account will be treated as NPA if the account remains out of order for a period of more than 90 days. An account is treated as “out of order” if any of the following conditions is satisfied: a. The outstanding balance remains continuously in excess of the sanctioned limit/drawing power. b. Though the outstanding balance is less than the sanctioned limit/drawing power but there are no credits

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