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Archive: 03 February 2011

Posts in 03 February 2011

Easy Exit Scheme, 2011

February 3, 2011 487 Views 0 comment Print

In continuation to this Ministry’s earlier circular no. 6/2010 dated 03.12.2010 on the subject cited above, it has been decided to extend the Scheme for another three months i.e. upto 30 th April, 2011.

Penalty imposed U/s. 76 cannot be reduced by invoking the provisions of S. 80 of the Finance Act, 1994

February 3, 2011 534 Views 0 comment Print

9. This Court in the Tax Appeal No.1367 of 2009 has taken the view that on a conjoint reading of sections 76 and 80 of the Act, it is not possible to envisage a discretion as being vested in the authority to levy a penalty below the minimum prescribed limit. If the authority imposing the penalty is not entitled to levy below the minimum prescrib

Where proceeding resulting in refund is not delayed for reasons attributable to assessee, interest u/s. 244A cannot be denied

February 3, 2011 1045 Views 0 comment Print

The assessee had filed a return of income on 28 November 2000 for assessment year 2001-01 and declared an income of Rs.89.75 crores. On 14 March 2002, the assessee filed a revised return of Rs.80.75 crores. The assessment proceedings commenced on 18 November 2002 with a notice under Section 143(2). The assessment order was passed on 31 March 2003 by which the Assessing Officer determined the income at Rs.97.09 crores under Section 115JA. TDS certificates amounting to Rs. 1,44,34,030/- were submitted during the course of the assessment proceedings. Interest has been allowed to th

Easy Exit scheme extended upto 30th April, 2011

February 3, 2011 441 Views 0 comment Print

General Circular No. 1/2011- Dated the 3rd Feb, 2011  Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, 5 th Floor, ‘A’ Wing, Shastri Bhavan, Dr. R.P. Road , New Delhi, To, All Regional Director and All Registrars of Companies. Subject: Easy Exit Scheme, 2011 Sir, In continuation to this Ministry’s earlier circular no. 6/2010 dated 03.12.2010 on […]

Concealment penalty cannot be imposed merely on ground that Tribunal disallowed the expenditure

February 3, 2011 363 Views 0 comment Print

Penalty under section 271(1)(c) – Leviability-Expenditure claimed by assessee disallowed by Tribunal-Concealment penalty cannot be imposed merely on the ground that Tribunal disallowed the expenditure claimed by the assessee.

Income limits for assigning cases for Deputy Commissioners / Assistant Commissioners / ITOs enhanced

February 3, 2011 1168 Views 0 comment Print

References have been received by the Board from a large number of taxpayers, especially from mofussil areas, that the existing monetary limits for assigning cases to ITOs and DCs/ACs is causing hardship to the taxpayers, as it results in transfer of their cases to a DC/AC who is located in a different station, which increases their cost of compliance.

Govt may hike Income Tax Exemption limit in Budget

February 3, 2011 363 Views 0 comment Print

Tax payers can expect some relief from high inflation in Budget 2011-12 as the government may raise the income tax exemption limit for individuals. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee is alive to the price situation and its impact on the common man,” s

Budget may have roadmap for new private banks

February 3, 2011 483 Views 0 comment Print

India is considering allowing new private sector banks, including those by industrial houses, and a roadmap for the same could be announced in the Union Budget to be presented later this month.While the formal and final guidelines regarding who should be allowed to set up new banks and what should be the terms and conditions would be announced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), a roadmap could be announced in the Budget speech on February 28 by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, sources said.

ICAI clarifies- No preponment of May 2011 Exams

February 3, 2011 420 Views 0 comment Print

It has been brought to our knowledge that certain SMSs/e-mail chains have been generated claiming that the Institute has preponed the May 2011 Chartered Accountants Examinations scheduled to be held from 2nd May 2011 to 16th May 2011 as contained, in

Empanelment of Chartered Accountants/firms for Audit of Credit and Other Co-operative Societies

February 3, 2011 372 Views 0 comment Print

Empanelment of Chartered Accountants/firms for Audit of Credit and Other Co-operative Societies. I am happy to inform you that the joint efforts of the PDC & WIRC have yielded results and the Maharashtra Government has entrusted the task of preparing the Panel of Chartered Accountants/firms for undertaking Statutory Audits of Credit and Other Co-operative Societies (other than UCBs) to the ICAI. In this regard, you are requested to provide following information for inclusion of your / your firm name in the Panel

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