Company Law is very complicated and interesting subject. If we look at all the corporate regulations or law, it is very clear that it focuses mainly on the interests of the shareholders. The liability of the members is limited in limited companies and as such the shareholders will be clueless often when their investment in the Company is not properly managed.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs took up a comprehensive revision of the Companies Act, 1956 (the Act) in 2004 keeping in view that not only had the number of companies in India expanded from about 30,000 in 1956 to nearly 7 lakhs, Indian companies were also mobilizing resources at a scale unimaginable even a decade ago, continuously entering into and bringing new activities into the fold of the Indian economy as well as Internationally.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (5) of section 10 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 (Mah. IX of 2005), the Commissioner of Sales Tax, Maharashtra State, Mumbai, hereby amends the notification No. Sr. D. C. (A & R)/PWR/1006/2/Adm-3, dated 6th October 2007 as follows, namely:—
Income tax department in the past has stumbled up on many strange things, but nothing as strange as a company exclusively providing bogus stock contract notes to evade taxes, a trail that may lead to it knocking on the doors of many auditors. The Mumbai I-T department estimates that around Rs 1,000 crore of taxes may have been evaded by producing these bogus investment losses, and it now knows the beneficiaries too, a senior department official in the know of things said.
IN Hyderabad Zone during the year 2009, investigations in 66 cases have been completed and in the cases where sufficient evidence has been collected, charge-sheets have been laid in the corresponding jurisdictional courts. These include the Satyam Scam Case, Cases pertaining to the public servants belonging to South Central Railways, Income Tax department, Department of Posts, Railway Protection Force, South Western Railways for demanding & accepting illegal Gratification,
School kids who resent being penalised for being late or for falling asleep in class can take heart. Hopefully, from the next year, even judges of Supreme Court and High Courts will be in serious trouble if they come late to court or cannot resist dozing off during arguments. Indeed, they can face inquiry and risk incurring punishment stretching from censure to removal.
Last week, CBDT issued a notification on how each perquisite provided to a salaried employee should be taxed. It is applicable with retrospective effect, from April 1 2009. The guidelines cover every perk: home accommodation to gifts to educational benefits. The most important change, though, is taxation of car facilities.
Income Tax department has claimed Rs 30,000 crore from companies that have violated provisions under the minimum alternate tax. Sources said the claim is not only for the current assessment year of 2009-10, wherein assessments are still going on, but also for previous four-five assessment years, which are under litigation either in courts or at appellate levels.