Circular No. CFD/DIL/DIP/35/2009/20/04 – ith the opening of a Western Regional Office at Ahmedabad, the allocation of regions for processing of draft offer documents for public/ rights issues, stands modified. 2. Accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (1) of Section 11 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, it has been decided to amend Schedule XXII of the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as “the SEBI (DIP) Guidelines”) vide this circular, as indicated in Annexure I.3. Merchant Bankers are therefore advised to file the draft offer documents of size up to Rs. 50 crores, of the companies whose registered office falls in Gujarat and Rajasthan, with the regional office of SEBI in Ahmedabad, at the following address:
Whereas, in the matter of import of Soda Ash falling under sub-heading 2836 20 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) from the People”s Republic of China, the Director General (Safeguard), in preliminary findings published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), dated the 30th January, 2009, vide number G.S.R. 62 (E), dated the 30th January, 2009, had come to the conclusion that increased imports of Soda Ash into India from the People”s Republic of China had caused and threatened to cause market disruption to domestic industry of Soda Ash and it necessitates the imposition of provisional safeguard duty on imports of Soda Ash into India from People”s Republic of China
The Department of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, have intimated that the Central Government w.e.f. 1.1.2001 had been regulating the export of sugar through export release order mechanism issued by the Directorate of Sugar. In view of the excess production of sugar in 2006-07 and 2007-08 sugar seasons and also to facilitate expeditious export of sugar. The requirement of obtaining release orders from the Directorate of Sugar for export of sugar was dispersed with vide Notification No. S.O.4310-(E) dated 31.7.2007 upto 30.09.2008 which was subsequently extended vide Notification No. S.O 2709 (E) dated 21.11.2008 upto 31.12.2008 or till further orders in respect of exports under OGL and till further orders in cases of exports under advance authorization schemes.
In order to file electronic returns, the dealers are required to enroll themselves for the e services offered by the Department. It is noticed that some of the dealers have approached sales tax department with their difficulties regarding e enrollment or e filing of returns. The difficulties encountered by these dealers have been given due consideration.