In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy – 2004-09, the Central Government hereby amends Schedule – I (Imports) of the ITC (HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2004-09.
Import of Marble, classified under Chapter 25 and 68, from Bhutan shall be subject to a combined annual quota of 3,14,000 sq ft. The quota shall come into effect from the date of issue of this Notification and operate on financial year basis. Since the total import of marble from Bhutan during this financial year has already exceeded more than 6 lakh sq. ft., therefore, no import of marble shall be allowed during this financial year.
In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992), read with Para 1.3 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009 (as amended from time to time), the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment in Foreign Trade Policy.
A Certificate of Conformance from the manufacturer that representative sample of the toys being imported have been tested by an independent laboratory which is ILAC accredited and found to meet the specifications indicated above. The certificate would also link the toys in the consignment to the period of manufacture indicated in the Certificate of Conformity.
Import of rough / unprocessed blocks and slabs of agglomerated / artificial stones shall be subject to the conditions laid down in Policy Circular No.34(RE-08)/2004-2009 dated 10.10. 2008 and Policy Circular No. 35 (RE-2008)/2004-2009 dated 10.10. 2008, Policy Circular No.66 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 26.02.09 and Policy Circular No. 68 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 2.03.09.
The Principal notification No.94/2004-Customs, dated the 10th September, 2004 was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section (1) vide number G.S.R 607 (E), dated the 10th September, 2004 and was last amended by notification No.19/2009-Customs, dated the 24th February,2009 published in the Gazette of India, extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section (1) vide number G.S.R 111 (E), dated 24th February,2009.