For the purpose of this notification, if imports of bare tubes are reported, the benchmark, that is, the amount specified in column (9) of the Table, would be reduced by an amount as specified, namely, (i) in case of 14″ tube, by Rs. l23/-, (ii) in case of 15″ tube, by Rs. 149/-, (iii) in case of 20″ tube, by Rs. 185/-, and (iv) in case of 21″ tube, by Rs. 172/-.
Mutual Funds shall display unaudited half-yearly results on their website in the format prescribed in twelfth schedule of Regulations.
Export and re-import of cut and polished diamonds for certification and grading was governed under the notification No. 55/2001-Cus dated 16.05.2001. Now, the rough or non-industrial diamonds do not attract any duty. In view of this, the control on export and re-import for certification and grading of cut and polished diamonds under this notification has been dispensed with by rescinding notification No. 55/2001-Cus dated 16.05.2001 through notification No. 59/2008-Customs dated 05.05.2008. The provisions governing this scheme under para 4A.2 and 4A.2.1 of FTP have also been deleted.