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Archive: 23 July 2008

Posts in 23 July 2008

Regarding anti-dumping duty on import of digital versatile discs – recordable generally known as DVD-R and DVD-RW

July 23, 2008 373 Views 0 comment Print

Whereas, in the matter of import of digital versatile discs-recordable generally known as DVD-R and DVD-RW, (hereinafter referred to as the subject goods) falling under heading 8523 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975), originating in, or exported from China PR, Hong Kong, and Chinese Taipei (hereinafter referred to as the subject countries), and imported into India, the designated authority, in its preliminary findings vide notification No. 14/17/2007-DGAD dated the 16th June, 2008, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part I, Section 1, dated the 17th June, 2008, has come to the conclusion that

Public Notice No. 53 (RE-2008)/2004-09, Dated: 23.07.2008

July 23, 2008 310 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2004-09, Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in the Handbook of Procedures.

Gangadharan vs. CIT (Supreme Court)

July 23, 2008 430 Views 0 comment Print

Gangadharan vs. CIT (Supreme Court) Held, by 3 judge Bench, resolving conflict of opinion amongst other benches of the SC, that: (1) merely because in some cases the revenue has not preferred appeal that does not operate as a bar for the revenue to prefer an appeal in another case where there is just cause for doing so or it is in public interest to do so or for a pronouncement by the higher Court when divergent views are expressed by the Tribunals or the High Courts.

Trade Circular No. 25T of 2008 on Business Audit under MVAt dated 23/07/2008

July 23, 2008 2478 Views 0 comment Print

As expressly mentioned in Section 22, the primary object of business audit is to promote compliance with law. Business audit is a device with the Department to ascertain and ensure compliance of laws that are implemented by the Department. At a practical level, the object of audit is to ascertain the correctness of returns and to identify inadequacies in returns, if any when checked against the books of account and the circumstances of the business. If the returns are not filed then, the audit officer is expected to quantify the liability of the dealer and enforce recovery. (Trade Cir. No. 25 T of 2008)

Service Tax – Accounting Codes for new services

July 23, 2008 5339 Views 0 comment Print

Service Tax – Accounting Codes for new services -The Government while imposing new taxes, is not prompt in announcing the Head of accounts under which the tax is to be paid, leaving the tax payers as well as the Department in utter confusion. We have been getting several frantic calls from concerned assessees as to what the codes are for the new taxes imposed in this year’s budget. When we expressed our ignorance, many taxpayers asked us, if you don’t know, who will know? We only report; we don’t create.

Higher TDS IF PAN no. Not disclosed to deductor

July 23, 2008 2177 Views 0 comment Print

Companies and individuals who do not reveal their Permanent Account Number (PAN) while receiving income from any source will be liable to pay tax deducted at source (TDS) at the maximum marginal rate of 30 per cent (plus surcharge and education cess). Under the Income Tax Act, 1961, any income payable to the assessee is liable for TDS by the person or entity making the payment. TDS rate ranges from 1 per cent to 30 per cent depending on the nature of income. The Central Board of Direct Taxes is considering changes to the Act to this effect.

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