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Archive: 01 November 2004

Posts in 01 November 2004

Notification No. 274/2004-Income Tax Dated 1/11/2004

November 1, 2004 325 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 274-Income Tax It is notified for general information that the enterprise/undertaking, listed at para (3) below has been approved by the Central Government for the purpose of section 10(23G) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, read with rule 2E of the Income tax Rules, 1962 with effect from the Asstt. Year 2002-03.

Notification No. 273/2004-Income Tax Dated 1/11/2004

November 1, 2004 220 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 273-Income TaxIt is notified for general information that the approval to the enterprise, listed at para (3) below has been renewed by the Central Government for the purpose of section 10(23G) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, read with rule 2E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 with effect from the Assessment Year 2005-2006 to Assessment Year

Notification No. 272/2004-Income Tax Dated 1/11/2004

November 1, 2004 283 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 272-Income Tax It is notified for general information that approval to the enterprise/undertaking, listed at para (3) below has been renewed by the Central Government for the purpose of section 10(23G) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, read with rule 2E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 with effect from the Assessment Year 2004-05 to (Assessment Year 2010-2011 (upto 28.11.2009) i.e. end of period of 15 years as mentioned in the Lease deed dt. 22.10.1999

Notification No. 271/2004-Income Tax Dated 1/11/2004

November 1, 2004 259 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 271-Income Tax Whereas the annexed Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Republic of the Sudan for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, has come into force on the 15th day of April, 2004 on date of receipt of the later of the notifications

Prescribes form for the purposes of clause (a) of sub-rule (2) of rule 12 of CE Rules, 2002

November 1, 2004 292 Views 0 comment Print

In exercises of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-rule (2) of rule 12 of the Central Excise Rules, 2002, the Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby specifies the following Form for the purposes of the said clause (a) of sub-rule (2) of rule 12

Exempts from the operation of clause (a) sub-rule(2) of rule 12 of the CE rules the assesses who paid duty of excise less than One Hundred Lakh Rupees

November 1, 2004 232 Views 0 comment Print

In exercises of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of the rule 12 of the Central Excise Rules, 2002,(hereinafter referred to as the said rules) the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary and expedient in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts from the operation of clause

Central Excise (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2004

November 1, 2004 349 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 37 of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Excise Rules, 2002

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