Exporters should submit copy of Legal Procurement Certificate(s) issued by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests of the concerned State showing the procurement and availability of Sandalwood Root Class/Ainchilta Class with the exporter in the format as prescribed at Annexure I to this Public Notice.
Exporters should submit copy of Legal Procurement Certificate(s) in their name issued by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests of the concerned State showing the procurement and availability of Sandalwood with the exporter in the format as prescribed at Annexure I to this Public Notice.
Circular No. 597/34/2001-CX It has come to the notice of the Board that in a number of cases, the Commissioners of Customs & Central Excise have been filing applications before the CEGAT for out of turn hearing. However, it has been brought to Board’s notice that in most of the cases, these applications do not mention any reason for seeking an early hearing, and as a result, these applications for early hearing are being dismissed by the Tribunal.
Circular No. 596/33/2001-CX It has been brought to the notice of the Board that the field Commissioners both in Customs as well as in Central Excise, in spite of Board’s Circular No. 453/19/99-CX, dated 9-4-1999 [1999 (107) E.L.T. T41] issued vide F. No. 390/48/90-JC are neither filing Cross Objections under Section 35B(4) of the Central Excise Act or Section 129A(4) of the Customs Act against appeals filed by the assessees
Circular No. 595/32/2001-CX I am directed to draw you attention to the Board’s Circular No. 507/03/2000-CX dated 10th January and Circular No.468/34/99-CX dated 5th July, 1999 on the above subject and to say that that the progress in Central Excise Computerisation has been further reviewed by the Board. There have been considerable progresses in the capturing of profiles (ECC_MAST) and the monthly returns (RT-12/E.R.1) data, including its quality, by the Commissionerates and in sending this data to the Directorate of Systems