Circular No. 473/39/99-CX I am directed to say that a doubt has arisen whether the rebate of central excise duty paid on ingots billets of non-alloy steel and hot re-rolled products of non-alloy steel notified under section 3A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 for the period from 1.8.97 (the day re-rolled material and induction furnace goods were covered under this levy based on capacity of production) and 23.8.98 (the preceding day to the date when notifications providing method of computation of rebate were issued) can be granted in respect of the goods removed from the factory of independent manufacturers
Complaints have been received by this office that products normally classifiable under Chapter 29 of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items 1997-2002 relating to organic chemicals are being imported by classifying the same under EXIM Code 23099003.10.
Importers will be required to register their Import contracts/letter of Credit with NAFED, who shall also monitor actual imports. NAFED shall register such contracts /Letter of Credit based on recommendations from Ministry of Textiles, Government of India.
A point has been raised as to whether the facility of Private Bonded Warehouses as envisaged under Para 8.13 of Exim Policy 1997-2002 is to be provided only to the holders of Bulk Licences under Para 8.10 of said Policy or to any other exporter