I am directed to say that it has been considered necessary by the Board to obtain the information on the collection of Inland Air Travel Tax and the collection charges paid to the Airlines for various purposes such as Budgetary exercise, replies to Parliament Questions and others. Accordingly two forms are proposed
I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of Notification No. 76/ 95-CE1, dated 1.4.95 amending Notification No. 2/95-CE, dated 1.4.95 relating to duties applicable to goods manufactured by units in EPZ/ 100% EOU/ EHTP/ STP and cleared into the Domestic Tariff Area
I am directed to say that the Board is in receipt of a reference from the Department of Electronics that a Software Technology Park (STP) Unit has not been permitted to import certain equipment’s meant for utilisation within the unit for training of professionals. In this regard, the Board’s attention has been drawn
Circular No. 703-Income Tax With effect from the assessment year 1993-94, a new procedure for taxation of firms has been introduced according to which the distinction between the registered and unregistered firms has been done away with. Consequently, the requirement of apportionment of losses among the partners for set-off and carry forward has also been given up. In line with this procedure