The Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Recruitment, Salary and other Terms and Conditions of Service of officers and other employees) Rules, 2016
These Regulations may be called the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) (Sixteenth Amendment) Regulations, 2016.
Banks are permitted to raise funds through issuance of rupee denominated bonds overseas for the following purposes: Perpetual Debt Instruments (PDI) qualifying for inclusion as Additional Tier 1 capital under the extant Basel III Capital Regulations
In keeping with the objectives of Clean Note Policy and to ensure that genuine requirement of members of public for Rs. 100 denomination banknotes are met, the banks should increase dispensation of Rs. 100 banknotes through ATMs which are widely used for distribution of banknotes for retail use.
S.O. 3355(E). Central Government hereby appoints the 1st November, 2016 as the date on which some provisions of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 shall come into force
As announced in the first Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17, it has been decided to introduce Interest Rate Futures based on any rupee denominated money market interest rate or money market instrument on SEBI authorised stock exchanges.
Protocol amending the Convention between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of Japan vide Notification No. 102/2016 dated 28.10.2016
1. (1) This Order may be called the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Removal of Difficulties Order, 2016. (2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Central Government notifies U/s. 10(46) Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission, a body constituted by the State Government of Bihar, in respect of the following specified income arising to that Commission,
Some unscrupulous elements are putting into circulation Fake Indian Currency Notes of higher denominations in the course of normal transactions, taking advantage of the gullible and unsuspecting nature of some members of the public.