Export of Eggs, Potatoes, Onions, Rice, Wheat Flour, Sugar, Dal, Stone Aggregates and River Sand has been permitted to the Republic of Maldives under bilateral trade agreement between Government of India and Government of Maldives during the period 2020-21 as per the quantities indicated in the Table at Para 1 above. The export of above […]
Reserve Bank’s power to permit export or import of currency: Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the Reserve Bank may, on an application made to it and on being satisfied that it is necessary to do so, allow any person to take or send out of India to any country or bring into India from any country currency notes of Government of India and /or of Reserve Bank of India subject to such terms and conditions as the Reserve Bank may stipulate.
The notification amends the policy conditions for imports of various chemicals in Chapters 29. 38 and 39 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule — I (Import Policy). a. Importers of chemicals specified at S. Nos. 1 to 15 needs to submit a copy of the Bill of Entry within 30 days to the Ozone Ministry of […]
Advance Authorisation shall not be issued where item of export is ‘Gold Medallions and Coins’ or ‘Gold jewellery/articles manufactured by fully mechanised process’. Government of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Commerce Directorate General of Foreign Trade Udyog Bhawan New Delhi Notification No. 25/2015-20 New Delhi, Dated 10.08.2020 Subject: Issue of Advance Authorisations […]
The Notification No. 41/2015-2020 dated 9th January 2020 is amended to the extent that export of Rice (Basmati and Non-Basmati ) to EU member states and other European Countries namely Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland only will require Certificate of Inspection from EIA/EIC. Export to remaining European countries (except Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) will […]
CBDT notifies 3 Courts in Maharashtra for trial of Income Tax offences which includes (i) the 38th Court, Ballard Pier for Mumbai region and 31st Court of Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Vikhroli for Mumbai including cases at Thane; (ii) the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Nagpur for entire Vidarbha region, and (iii) the Court of 10th Joint Civil Judge Junior Division and Judicial Magistrate First Class (Court No. 8), Pune for Pune region.
Class or classes of person to whom provisions of section 139A shall not apply. 114AAB. (1) The provisions of section 139A shall not apply to a non-resident, not being a company, or a foreign company, (hereinafter referred to as the non-resident) who has, during a previous year, made investment in a specified fund if the following conditions are fulfilled, namely:
These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Third Amendment Regulations,2020. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette and Food Business Operator shall comply with all the provisions of these regulations by 1st July, 2021.
These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Second Amendment Regulations, 2020. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette and Food Business Operator shall comply with all the provisions of these regulations by 1st July, 2021.
CBIC amends notification No. 50/2017-Customs dated 30th June, 2017 so as to exempt goods for Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) Units- 5 and 6 (1000 MW x 2) vide Notification No. 32/2020–Customs dated 7th August, 2020 MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) Notification No. 32/2020–Customs New Delhi, the 7th August, 2020 G.S.R. 494(E).— In exercise […]