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New Delhi, the 9th July, 2020.

No. Stds/CPL & CP/Notification/01/FSSAI-2017.— Whereas the draft of certain regulations, namely, the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2018, was published vide notification of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India number No. Stds/CPL & CP/Notification/01/FSSAI-2017, dated the 31st July, 2018, in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part III, section 4 as required under sub- section (1) of section 92 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (34 of 2006), inviting objections and suggestions from persons likely to be affected thereby, within a period of thirty days from the date on which the copies of the Official Gazette containing the said notification were made available to the public;

And whereas the copies of the said official Gazette were made available to the public on the 17th August, 2018;

And whereas the objections and suggestions received from the public in respect of the said draft regulations have been considered by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) of sub- section (2) of section 92 read with section 16 of the said Act, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, namely: –

1. (1) These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Third Amendment Regulations,2020.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette and Food Business Operator shall comply with all the provisions of these regulations by 1st July, 2021.

2. In the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011,-

(a) in regulation 2.3, –

(b) in sub regulation 2.3.47, after clause 5, the following shall be inserted, namely:-

‘6. ALMOND KERNELS.- (1) Almond kernels means the product obtained from mature seeds of PrunusamygdalusBatsch, syn. Prunusdulcis(Mill.) D.A. Webb, from which the shell (ligneous endocarp) has been removed.

(2) The product shall be sound, whole, clean, sufficiently dried and free from living or dead insects, rancidity, visible foreign matter, visible moulds and rodent contamination.

(3) The product shall be uniform in colour with characteristic flavor of nuts, free from off odour and evidence of fermentation.

(4) The product shall also be free from added colouring and flavouring matter.

(5) It shall conform to the following requirements, namely:-

S. no. Characteristics Requirements
(i) Moisture (m/m), per cent Not more than 6.0
(ii) Inshell almonds, shell or skin fragments, (m/m), per cent Not more than 0.25 Total  tolerance Not more than 10.0
(iii) Rancid, rotten and damaged by insects or other pests (m/m), per cent Not more than 1.0
(iv) Gummy and brown spot (m/m), per cent Not more than 2.0
(v) Blemishes and discoloration(m/m), per cent Not more than 4.0
(vi) Shrunken or shrivelled and not sufficiently developed kernels(m/m), per cent Not more than 4.0
(vii) Split, broken and halves (m/m), per cent Not more than 5.0
(viii) Chipped and scratched (m/m), per cent Not more than 10.0
(ix) Doubles or twins (m/m), per cent Not more than 10.0
(x) Acid insoluble ash , per cent Not more than 0.1
(xi) Oil content (m/m), per cent Not less than 45.0
(xii) Acidity of extracted oil, expressed as oleic acid , per cent Not more than 1.25

Explanation:- For the purposes of this clause,-

(a) “double or twin” means almond kernel of characteristic shape, with one side flat or concave, as a consequence of the development of two kernels in the same shell;

(b) “clean” means free from visible adhering dirt or other foreign material;

(c) “sufficiently developed”means almond kernel of normal shape, without aborted or dried out portions; shrunken and shrivelled kernels are not sufficiently developed;

(d) “shrunken or shrivelled” means almond kernel which is extremely flat and wrinkled, or almond kernel with desiccated, dried out or tough portions when the affected portion represents more than one quarter of the kernel;

(e) “chipped kernel” means mechanically damaged almond kernel from which less than one quarter of the kernel is missing; it is not considered as a defect the loss, in aggregate, of less than the equivalent of a circle of 3 mm in diameter;

(f) “scratched kernel” means superficially mechanically damaged almond kernel with absence of part of the skin, affecting or not the endosperm; it is not considered as a defect lacks of skin or scratched areas of less, in aggregate, than the equivalent of a circle of 3 mm in diameter;

(g) “half” means longitudinally split almond kernel from which the two halves (cotyledons) are separated;

(h) “split or broken kernel” means mechanically damaged almond kernel from which more than one quarter of the kernel is missing;

(i) “piece” means small fragment of almond kernel which pass through a 10 mm round meshed sieve;

(j) “mould” means mould filaments visible to the naked eye, either inside or outside of the almond kernel;

(k) “ rancidity” means oxidation of lipids or free fatty acid production giving a characteristic disagreeable flavour; an oily appearance of the flesh does not necessarily indicate a rancid condition;

(l) “rotten” means significant decomposition or decay caused by the action of micro-organisms or other biological processes, normally accompanied by changes in texture and/or colour;

(m) “insect or pest damage” means visible damage or contamination caused by insects, mites, rodents or other animal pests, including the presence of dead insects, insect debris or excreta;

(n) “living pests” means presence of living pests (insects, mites or others) at any stage of development (adult, nymph, larva, egg, etc.);

(o) “gummy” means resinous appearing substance, affecting or not the endosperm, covering in aggregate an area more than the equivalent of a circle of 6 mm in diameter;

(p) “brown spot” means slightly depressed brown spots on the almond kernel, affecting or not the endosperm, either single or multiple, caused by the sting of insects as the box elder bug (LeptocoristrivittatusSay), covering in aggregate an area more than the equivalent of a circle of 3 mm in diameter; and blemish and discoloration apparent and spread stains, other than gum and brown spot, or severe dark or black discoloration contrasting with the natural colour of the kernel skin, affecting in aggregate more than one quarter of the surface of the almond kernel; it is not considered as a defect the normal colour variations between the kernels of one lot.

(q) “abnormal external moisture” means presence of water, moisture or condensation directly on the surface of the product;

(r) “foreign smell or taste” means any odour or taste that is not characteristic of the product;

(s) “foreign matter” means any visible or apparent matter or material, including dust, not usually associated with the product, except mineral impurities.’;

(ii) after sub regulation 2.3.62, the following shall be inserted, namely:-

‘2.3.63. COCONUT MILK POWDER . – (1) “Coconut milk powder” means dehydrated or spray dried product obtained by removal of water from the coconut milk obtained from fresh, wholesome kernels of the fruits of coconut palm (CocosnuciferaL.), maltodextrin and sodium caseinate may be added to the product.

(2) It shall have flavour and odour characteristic of the products and shall be smooth and free flowing in texture and creamish to white or off white in colour.

(3) The product shall be free from added colouring or flavouring matter.

(4) The product shall conform to the following requirements, namely:-

Sl.No. Characteristics Requirements
(i) Moisture, (m/m), per cent Not more than 2.5
(ii) Fat, on dry basis(m/m), per cent Not less than 60.0
(iii) FFA (of extracted fat as lauric acid) ,(m/m), per cent Not more than 0.2
(iv) Bulk Density g/ml 0.3-0.45’;

(b) in regulation 2.4,-

(i) in sub-regulation 2.4.6,-

(A) clause 5 relating to “RICE” shall be omitted;

(B) after clause 23 the following shall be inserted, namely:-

‘24. Rice.- (1) Rice shall be whole and broken kernels obtained from the species Oryza sativa L and shall be of the following types, namely:-

1. Brown Rice (De- Husked) is obtained from paddy by removing husk and the process of de -husking and handling may result in some loss of bran;

2. Milled Rice is obtained by milling or polishing of dehusked rice of paddy and also removal of all or part of the bran and germ by polishing;

3. Parboiled brown (De- Husked) rice (Brown rice of parboiled paddy) is obtained by removing husk of parboiled paddy;

4. Milled Parboiled rice is obtained from de- husked parboiled paddy and removal of all or part of the bran and germ by polishing.

(2) They shall conform to the following standards for rice, namely:-

S.No. Requirements Limits
Brown      Rice (De- Husked) Milled Rice Parboiled brown (De- Husked) Rice(Brown rice of parboiled paddy) Milled Parboiled Rice
(i) Moisture per cent by mass, (Not more than) 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5
(ii) (a) organic extraneous matter (per cent by mass) 1.5 0.8 1.5 0.8
(b)Inorganic                                     extraneous matter[out of this impurities of animal origin(including dead insects)shall not be more than 0.1 per cent] (per cent by mass) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
(iii) Weevilled kernels(per cent by count), not more than 5 5 5 5
Defective Kernels
(iv) Heat – Damaged Kernels (per cent m/m) , not more than 6 5 10 8
(v) (a)Damaged Kernels (per cent m/m) , not more than
(b)Kernels with Pin point (per cent m/m) , not more than 4.0 4.0
(vi) Immature  Kernels(per cent m/m) , not more than 12.0 0.5 12.0 0.5
(vii) Chalky Kernels(per cent m/m) , not more than 11.0 5.0 Nil 0.1
(viii) Uric acid  (mg per kg), maximum 100 100 100 100

Explanation. – For the purposes of this clause,-

(a) “Heat-Damaged” means kernels, whole or broken, that have changed their normal colour as a result of heating;

(b) “Damaged Kernels” means kernels, whole or broken, showing obvious deterioration due to moisture, pests, diseases, or other causes, but excluding heat-damaged kernels;

(c) “Immature Kernels” are unripe or undeveloped whole or broken kernels;

(d) “Chalky Kernels” means whole or broken kernels except for glutinous rice, of which at least three quarters of the surface has an opaque and floury appearance;

(e) “Kernels with Pinpoint” are kernels or pieces of kernels having minute black spot of pin point size.

25. Chia Seeds-(1) Chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L) are obtained from the plant of mint family (Labiatae).

(2) It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-

S.No. Requirements Limits
(i) Moisture( per cent m/m), not more than 11.5
(ii) Extraneous matters Not more than 1 per cent. by mass of which not (Extraneous matter) more than 0.25 per cent. by mass shall be mineral matter and not more than 0.10 per cent. by mass shall be impurities of animal origin
(iii) Other edible grains per cent by mass(Not more than) 0.5
(iv) Damaged grains per cent by mass (Not more than) 3.0
(v) 1000 grain mass (gm), Range 1.2 -1.6
(vi) Acidity of extracted fat (mg KOH/gm), not more than 2.0
(vii) Uric acid (mg per kg), maximum 100 .’;

(ii) after sub-regulation 2.4.30, the following sub-regulations shall be inserted, namely:-

‘2.4.31. Cassava or Tapioca product (Gari) .- (1) Cassava or Tapioca product (Gari) is the finished product obtained by artisanal or industrial processing of cassava tubers (Manihot esculenta Crantz).

(2) The processing consists of peeling, washing and grating of the tubers, followed by fermentation, pressing, fragmentation, granulation, drying if necessary, sifting and suitable heat treatments.

(3) The product is presented as flour of variable granule size and shall be free from abnormal flavours, odours, and living insects.

(4) It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-

S.No. Requirements Limits
(i) Moisture, per cent. by mass (Not more than) 12.0
(ii) Extraneous matter Not more than 1 per cent. by mass of which not (Extraneous matter) more than 0.25 per cent. by mass shall be mineral matter and not more than 0.10 per cent. by mass shall be impurities of animal origin
(iii) TOTAL ACIDITY, per cent. determined as lactic acid (Range) 0.6 – 1.0
(iv) Crude fiber per cent. (Not more than) 2.0
(v) Total Ash, per cent. (Not more than) 2.75
(vi) Acid insoluble ash in dilute HCl (per cent. on dry mass basis), not more than 0.5
(vii) Extra-fine Cassava or Tapioca product (Gari) minimum 100 per cent. by mass shall pass through a 0.50 mm sieve


minimum 40per cent. by mass shall pass through a 0.25 mm sieve

(viii) Fine Cassava or Tapioca product (Gari) minimum 100per cent. by mass shall pass through a 1 mm sieve


maximum 40per cent. by mass shall pass through a 0.5 mm sieve

(ix) Medium Cassava or Tapioca product (Gari) minimum 100per cent. by mass shall pass through a 1.25 mm sieve


maximum 40per cent. by mass shall pass through 1.00 mm sieve

(x) Coarse Cassava or Tapioca product (Gari) minimum 100per cent. by mass shall pass through a 2 mm sieve


maximum 40per cent. by mass shall pass through a 1.25 mm sieve

2.4.32. Edible Cassava or Tapioca Flour-(1) Edible cassava or Tapioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) flour is the product prepared from dried cassava chips or paste by a pounding, grinding or milling process, followed by sifting to separate the fibre from the flour.

(2) In case of edible cassava or tapioca flour prepared from bitter cassava (Manihot utilissima Pohl), detoxification is carried out by soaking the tubers in water for a few days, before they undergo drying in the form of whole, pounded tuber (paste) or in small picese.

(3) It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-

S.No. Requirements Limits
(i) Moisture, per cent. by mass (Not more than) 13.0
(ii) Crude fiber, per cent. (Not more than) 2.0
(iii) Total Ash, per cent(Not more than) 3.0
(iv) Acid insoluble ash in dilute HCL (per cent. on dry weight basis), not more than 0.5

Fine flour

Coarse flour


minimum 90 per cent. shall pass through a 0.60 mm sieve

minimum 90 per cent. shall pass through a 1.20 mm sieve

2.4.33. Roasted Bengal Gram Flour ( Chana Sattu)-(1)Sattu shall be obtained from clean, washed, dried and sound grains of gram (Cicer arietinum) after grinding of roasted form.

(2) It shall be of uniform color, having characteristic taste, smell and flavour associated with the product and shall be free from insect infestation, live and dead insects, insect fragments, mould or mites, and larvae; free from rodent hair and excreta; fermented and musty odour, or any objectionable odur.

(3) It shall also be free from extraneous matter or any other adulterant and fungal contamination.

(4) It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-

S.No. Requirements Limits
(i) Moisture, per cent. by mass, not more than 8.0
(ii) Acid insoluble ash (dry basis), per cent. by mass, not more than 0.5
(iii) Alcoholic acidity, per cent. by mass, not more than 0.15
(iv) Crude fibre(on dry basis), per cent. by mass, not more than 3.0
(v) Crude protein (Nx6.25), per cent. by mass(on dry basis), not less than 20.0
(vi) Particle size* 100 per cent. pass through 35 mesh sieve.
(vii) Uric acid (mg per kg), not more than 100

* Note: – The parameter “Particle size” shall not be applicable for intermediate products which are not meant for direct consumption.

2.4.34. Ragi Flour.-(1)Ragi flour is the product obtained from dried mature grains of Eleusinecoracana L. Gaertn. through a process of milling, which shall be free from added colouring matter, flavouring substances, moulds, weevils, obnoxious substances, discolouration, and all other impurities except to the extent indicated below and shall also be free from rodent hair and excreta.

(2) It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-

S.No. Requirements Limits
(i) Moisture, per cent. by mass, not more than 10.0
(ii) Crude fiber, per cent. by dry mass basis, not more than 4.5
(iii) Crude protein, per cent. on dry mass basis (NX6.25), not less than 7.0
(iv) Acid insoluble ash, per cent. on dry mass basis, not more than 0.15
(v) Particle Size, per cent. Shall pass through a 1mm sieve (18 mesh)
(vi) Uric acid (mg per kg), maximum 100

*The parameter “Particle size” shall not be applicable for intermediate products which are not meant for direct consumption.’;

(c) in regulation 2.9. –

(i) in sub-regulation 2.9.20, after clause 1, the following clause shall be inserted, namely: –

2.MIXED MASALA POWDER.- (1) “Mixed masala powder” means the powder obtained from grinding clean and dried spices and herbs, including their extracts, which may contain ingredients such as edible starches, edible salt, dried fruits and vegetables or their products, edible vegetable oil and fats or their products, nuts and their products, cereals and pulses or their products, nutritive sweeteners or other ingredients suitable to the product.

(2) All the above ingredients shall either be standardised or permitted for use in the preparation of other standardised food under these regulations.

(3) The spices and herbs covered under ISO, Codex, Spices Board and Food Safety and Standards (Food or Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Foods for Special Dietary Uses, Foods for Special Medical Purpose, Functional Foods and Novel Food) Regulations, 2016 may also be used, which shall be free from extraneous matter, mould growth, and insect  infestation.

(4) It shall meet the following requirements, namely:-

Sr. No. Characteristic Requirement
(A) (B) (C)
(i) Spice Content, per cent. by mass (Minimum) 85.0 40.0 25.0
(ii) Moisture, per cent. by mass(Maximum) 12.0 12.0 12.0
(iii) Volatile oil, per cent. volume by mass(on dry basis) (Minimum) 0.4 0.2 0.1
(iv) Acid Insoluble Ash per cent by mass (on dry basis) (Maximum) 2.0 2.0 2.0

(5) The minimum percentage of “Spice Content”shall be mentioned on the label and the parameters and their limits specified against serial number (ii) to (iv) of the table in sub-clause (4) shalll be applicable as per the minimum spice content specified

(6) In addition, the name of the specific product such as chana masala, sambar Masala may also be mentioned and the salt content above 5 per cent shall be declared on the label’;

(ii) after sub-regulation 2.9.31, the following sub-regulation shall be inserted, namely:-

‘2.9.32 SPICE OLEORESINS.- (1) “Spice Oleoresins” means the volatile and non-volatile constituents of spices or herbs, which shall be obtained by extraction of the spice or herb with permitted food grade solvents, either singly or in combination, followed by separation of solvents and volatile portion.

(2) The non-volatile portion after separation of the solvent shall be added back to the volatile portion.

(3) The list of permitted food grade solvents and their residual limits are specified in the Table given below:

Sr. No. Solvent Limit (Maximum, in ppm)
(i) Acetone 30
(ii) Ethyl acetate 50
(iii) n-Hexane 25
(iv) Isopropyl alcohol 30
(v) Methyl alcohol 50
(vi) Carbon dioxide GMP
(vii) Water GMP
(viii) Diethyl ether 2
(ix) Ethyl alcohol GMP
(x) Butan-1-ol (Butyl alcohol) 2
(xi) Butan-2-ol 2
(xii) Propan-1-ol (Propyl alcohol) 1
(xiii) Methyl tert-butyl ether 2

(4) Spice Oleoresin shall meet the requirements as specified in the Table given below:

Sr. No. Spice Oleoresin Botanical name of spice or
Active component Volatile Oil Content
(VOC in ml/1 00g of
oleoresin)(Not less than)
(i) Ajowan (Bishop’s weed) Trachyspermum ammi L. Thymol 1.5
(ii) Allspice Pimentadioica (L) Merr. Eugenol 20.0
(iii) Anisoon (Aniseed) PimpinellaanisumL. Anethole and
(iv) Sweet Basil
OcimumbasilicumL. E-Beta­CaryoPhyllene (BCP) 4.0
(v) Lal Mirchi1

(Chilli) or

Capsicum frutescens L. or
Capsicum annum L.
Capsaici n
(vi) Siahj ira (Caraway) CarumcarviL. Carvone, Carveol and Hydrocarvone 10.0
(vii) Chhoti Elaichi (Cardamom Small) ElettariacardamomumMaton 1,8-cineole and α-
terpi nyl acetate
(viii) Aj moda (Celery) Apiumgraveolens L. d- li monene and
sedanol ides
(ix) Dalchini (Cinnamon Bark) Cinnamomumzeylanicum Cinnamaldehyde 2.0
(x) Laung (Clove) Syzygiumaromaticum (L) Merr. & Perry Eugenol 12.0
(xi) Dhania (Coriander) Coriandrumsativum L. Li nalool 1.0
(xii) SafedZeera (Cumin) Cuminumcyminum L. Cuminaldehyde 10.0
(xiii) Shatpushp, Sowa
Anethumgraveolens L. or
AnethumsowaRoxb. ex Fleming
Apiole and dillapiole 10.0
(xiv) Saunf (Fennel) FoeniculumvulgareM ill. Anethole 3.0
(xv) Adrak (Ginger) ZingiberofficinaleRosc. Gi ngerol 10.0
(xvi) Habbulgar (Laurel Leaf / Bay Leaf) LaurusnobilisL. 1,8-cineole, linalool, α-terpinyl acetate and methyl eugenol 5.0
(xvii) Jaipatri (Mace) MyristicafragransHoutt. Sabinene and Pinenes 10.0
(xviii) Marjoram Sweet MarjoranahortensisMoench. Pi nenes, Ethereal oil 8.0
(xix) Jaiphal (Nutmeg) MyristicafragransHoutt. Sabinene and Pinenes 10.0
(xx) Marua-Jangli/ Marubak


OriganumvulgareL. Carvacrol, Thymol, Eugenol, Rosmarinicacid 20.0
(xxi) Papri ka2 Capsicum annuum L. Capsaici n
(xxii) Parsley Leaf PetroselinumcrispumM ill. Myristicin and
(xxiii) Parsley Seed PetroselinumcrispumM ill. Myristicin and
(xxiv) Rosemary RosmarinusofficinalisL. Carnosic acid and
(xxv) Chakra Phool
(Star Anise)
iliciumverumHook. Anethole 9.0
(xxvi) Thyme Thymus vulgaris L. Thymol 5.0
(xxvii) Kalimirch (Black
Pepper)/ Safedmirch(White Pepper)
Piper nigrumL. Piperine 10.0
(xxviii) Haldi (Turmeric) Curcuma longa L. Curcuminoid Content, percent by mass, on dry basis (Minimum)- 3.5

1Color Value (expressed as Nesselerimetric units): 4000 – 20,000

1Scoville Heat Units, Min: 240000

2Color Value in ASTA Color Units (CU):250 -5000

Note: The name of active component and the volatile oil shall be declared on the label.

2.9.33. TEJPAT. -(1) “Tejpat” means the dried leaves of the tree Cinnamomumtamala, Nees and Ebermof family lauraceae, which shall have characteristic aroma and shall be clean and free from musty odour, off-flavor, mould growth, insect infestation, rodent contamination and other impurities except to the extent as per the requirements given below. (2) It shall be free from admixture of leaves other than Tejpat.

(3) It shall conform to the following requirements, namely:-

S.No Characteristics Requirements
(i) Moisture content, per cent. by mass, on dry basis(Maximum) 10.0
(ii) Extraneous matter, per cent. by mass, on dry basis (Maximum) 1.0
(iii) Shrivelled and discoloured leaves, per cent. by mass, on dry basis(Maximum) 10.0
(iv) Cut and broken leaves, per cent. by mass, on dry basis(Maximum) 20.0
(v) Insect bored and diseased leaves, per cent. by mass, on dry basis(Maximum) 10.0
(vi) Twigs, leafstalk, per cent. by mass, on dry basis (Maximum) 5.0
(vii) Volatile oil content, (ml/100g) on dry basis (Minimum) 0.5
(viii) Uric acid, mg/kg, on dry basis (Maximum) 100.0

Explanation.- For the purpose of this sub-regulation,-

(a) “extraneous matter” means stones, dust, other dirt and all organic and vegetable maters not of Tejpat origin;

(b) “shrivelled and discoloured leaves” means leaves that are discoloured or not properly developed which materially affect the quality, shrivelled leaves do not include small and tender leaves;

(c) “insect board and diseased leaves” that are partly or wholly bored or eaten by insects or diseased;

(d) “twigs and leaf stalk” means small branches and stalks attached with the tejpat leaves.

2.9.34. STAR (1) “Star Anise” means the dried mature fruit of the tree Illiciumverum Hook. of the family Illiaceae, which shall comprise of boat-shaped follicles arranged radially around a central stalk.

(2) The colour of star anise shall be brownish red or reddish brown and shall have a characteristic odour and an aromatic, sweet and anise-like flavour.

(3) It shall be free from living and dead insects, moulds, insect fragments and rodent contamination visible to the naked eye.

(4) It shall conform to the following requirements, namely:-

S. No Characteristics Requirements
(i) Extraneous matter, per cent. by mass on dry basis(Maximum) 1.0
(ii) Stalks, per cent. by mass on dry basis(Maximum) 3.0
(iii) Broken and abnormal fruits, per cent. by mass on dry basis(Maximum) 25.0
(iv) Moisture content, per cent. by mass on dry basis(Maximum) 10.0
(v) Acid insoluble ash, per cent. by mass on dry basis (Maximum) 1.0
(vi) Volatile oil, per cent. (ml/100 g) on dry basis (Minimum) 8.0

Explanation.- For the purposes of this sub-regulation.-

(a) “extraneous matter” means all that does not belong to the star anise fruit and all other extraneous matter of animal, vegetable or mineral origin;

(b) “broken fruits” are those which contain fewer than five follicles;

(c) “abnormal or undeveloped fruits” are those containing three or more under-developed ”

(d) in regulation 3.3, in sub-regulation 3.3.5, for the opening portion , the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“Phyto or Plant stanol esters may be added to the following products so as to allow users to easily restrict their consumption to maximum 3 g stanol per day through the use of either one portion containing maximum 3 g or three portions each containing 1 g and it shall be added subject to the table declaration under sub-regulation 48 of regulation 2011,namely:-

2.4.5 of the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, 2011, namely:-“.

ARUN SINGHAL, Chief Executive Officer

Note. – The principal regulations were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part III, Section 4, vide notification number F. No. 2-15015/30/2010, dated the 1st August, 2011 and subsequently amended vide notification.

(i) F.No. 4/15015/30/2011, dated 7th June, 2013;

(ii) F.No. P. 15014/1/2011-PFA/FSSAI, dated 27th June, 2013;

(iii) F. No. 5/15015/30/2012, dated 12th July, 2013;

(iv) F.No. P. 15025/262/2013-PA/FSSAI, dated 5th December, 2014;

(v) F.No. 1-83F/Sci. Pan- Noti/FSSAI-2012, dated 17th February, 2015;

(vi) F.No. 4/15015/30/2011, dated 4th August, 2015;

(vii) F.No. P.15025/264/13-PA/FSSAI, dated 4th November, 2015;

(viii) F.No. P. 15025/263/13-PA/FSSAI, dated 4th November, 2015;

(ix) F.No. P. 15025/261-PA/FSSAI, dated 13th November, 2015;

(x) F.No. P. 15025/208/2013-PA/FSSAI, Dated 13th November, 2015;

(xi) F.No. 7/15015/30/2012, dated 13th November, 2015;

(xii) F.No. 1-10(1)/Standards/SP(Fish and Fisheries Products)/FSSAI-2013, dated 11th January, 2016;

(xiii) No. 3-16/Specified Foods/Notification(Food Additives)/FSSAI-2014, dated 3rd May, 2016;

(xiv) F.No. 15-03/Enf/FSSAI/2014, Dated 14th June, 2016;

(xv) No. 3-14F/Notification (Nutraceuticals)/FSSAI-2013, dated 13th July, 2016;

(xvi) F.No. 1-12/Standards/SP (Sweets, Confectionery)/FSSAI-2015, dated 15th July, 2016;

(xvii) F.No. 1-120(1)/Standards/Irradiation/FSSAI-2015, dated 23rd August, 2016;

(xviii) F. No. 11/09/Reg/Harmoniztn/2014, dated 5th September, 2016;

(xix) F.No. Stds/CPLQ.CP/EM/FSSAI-2015, dated 14th September, 2016;

(xx) F.No. 11/12 Reg/Prop/FSSAI-2016, dated 10th October, 2016;

(xxi) F.No. 1-110(2)/SP (Biological Hazards)/FSSAI/2010, dated 10th October, 2016;

(xxii) F.No. Stds/SP (Water & Beverages)/Notif (2)/FSSAI-2016, dated 25th October, 2016;

(xxiii) F.No. 1-11(1)/Standards/SP (Water & Beverages)/FSSAI-2015, Dated 15th November, 2016;

(xxiv) F.No. P.15025/93/2011-PFA/FSSAI, Dated 2nd December, 2016;

(xxv) F.No. P. 15025/6/2004-PFS/FSSAI, dated 29th December, 2016;

(xxvi) F.No. Stds/O&F/Notification(1)/FSSAI-2016, dated 31st January, 2017;

(xxvii) F.No. 1-12/Standards/2012-FSSAI, dated 13th February, 2017;

(xxviii) F.No. 1-10(7)/Standards/SP (Fish & Fisheries Products)/FSSAI-2013, dated 13th February, 2017;

(xxix) F. No. Stds /SCSS&H/ Notification (02)/FSSAI-2016, dated 15th May, 2017;

(xxx) F. No. Stds/03/Notification (LS)/ FSSAI-2017, dated 19th June, 2017;

(xxxi) F.No. 1/Additives/Stds/14.2Notification/FSSAI/2016, dated 31st July, 2017;

(xxxii) F.No. Stds/F&VP/Notification(01)/FSSAI-2016, dated 2nd August, 2017;

xxxiii) F.No. 1-94(1)/FSSAI/SP(Labelling)/2014, dated 11th September, 2017;

(xxxiv) F.No. Stds/M&MPIP(1)/SP/FSSAI-2015, dated 15th September, 2017;

(xxxv) No. Stds/SP (Water & Beverages)/Noti(1)/FSSAI-2016,dated 15th September,2017;

(xxxvi) F.No.1-10(8)/Standards/SP (Fish and Fisheries Products)/FSSAI-2013, dated 15th September,2017;

(xxxvii) File No. 2/Stds/CPL & CP/Notification/FSSAI-2016, dated 18th September, 2017;

(xxxviii)  F. No. A-1 (1)/Standard/MMP/2012, dated 12th October, 2017;

xxxix) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification (3)/FSSAI-2016, dated 12th October, 2017;

(xl) F. No. 2/Stds/CPL & CP/Notification/FSSAI-2016(part), dated the 24th October, 2017

(xli) F. No. A-1/Standards/Agmark/2012-FSSAI(pt.I), dated 17th November, 2017;

(xlii) F.No. 1/Additives/Stds/BIS Notification/FSSAI/2016, dated 17th November, 2017;

(xliii) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification (5)/FSSAI-2016, dated 20th February , 2018;

(xliv) F.No. Stds/01-SP(fortified & Enriched Foods)-Reg/FSSAI-2017, dated 13th March, 2018;

(xlv) F. No. 1/Infant Nutrition/Stds/Notification/FSSAI/2016, dated 13th March, 2018;

(xlvi) F. No.1-110(3)/SP (Biological Hazards)/FSSAI/2010, dated the 21st March, 2018;

(xlvii) File No. Stds/SCSS&H/ Notification (03)/FSSAI-2016, dated the 10th April, 2018;

(xlviii) No. Stds/CPL&CP/Notification/FSSAI-2016, dated 4th May, 2018;

(xlix) F.No. Stds/SP(SCSSH)/Ice lollies notification/FSSAI-2018, Dated 20th July,2018;

(l) F.No. Stds/SP(Water & Beverages)/Notif(3)/FSSAI-2016, Dated 20th July,2018;

(li) Stds/CPL&CP/ Draft Notification/FSSAI-2017, Dated 31st July, 2018;

(lii) File No.1/Additional Additives/Stds/Notification/FSSAI/2016, Dated 8th November, 2018and

(liii) F.No. Stds/03/Notification (CFOI&YC)/FSSAI-2017, Dated 16th November, 2018.

(liv) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification (7)/FSSAI-2017, dated 19th November, 2018;

(lv) F.No. Stds/M&MP/Notification (02)/FSSAI-2016, dated 19th November, 2018;

(lvi) F. No. Stds/F&VP/Notifications (04)/FSSAI-2016, dated 19th November, 2018;

(lvii) F. No. 1-116/Scientific Committee (Noti.)/2010-FSSAI, dated 26th November, 2018;

(lviii) F. No. 02-01/Enf-1(1)/FSSAI-2012, dated 29th January, 2019;

(lix) F.No. Stds/F&VP/Notification (07)/FSSAI-2018, dated 5th July, 2019;

(lx) F.No.Stds/O&F/Notification(10)/FSSAI-2017, dated 5th July, 2019;

(lxi) F.No. Stds/SP (Water & Beverages)/Notification(5) FSSAI-2018, dated 30th October, 2019 ;

(lxii) F.No. M&MP/Misc. Stds/Notification (03)/FSSAI-2018, dated 28th November, 2019;

(lxiii) F.No.1-110/SP (Biological Hazards)/Amendment-1/FSSAI/2018, dated 23rd June, 2020, and

(lxiv) F. No. Stds/CPL & CP/Notification/01/FSSAI-2018, dated 9th July,2020



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