Notification No. 1/2020-Customs (CVD)- Seeks to impose definitive countervailing duty on imports of Continuous Cast Copper Wire Rods originating in, or exported from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE (DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE) New Delhi, the 8th January, 2020 Notification No. 1/2020-Customs (CVD) G.S.R. (E). -Whereas, in the matter of “Continuous Cast Copper […]
Notification No. 4/2019-Customs (CVD)– Seeks to levy countervailing duty on ‘Welded Stainless Steel Pipes and Tubes’ originating in or exported from China PR and Vietnam, in pursuance of final findings issued by DGTR. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE (DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE) New Delhi, the 17th September, 2019 Notification No. 4/2019-Customs (CVD) G.S.R. 665(E). -Whereas, in […]
Seeks to levy countervailing duty on ‘Atrazine Technical’ originating in or exported from China PR , in pursuance of final findings issued by DGTR- Notification No. 3/2019-Customs (CVD) Dated -17th September, 2019.
NOTIFICATION No. 2/2019-Customs (CVD)– Seeks to impose countervailing duty on imports of ‘Saccharin in all its forms’ originating in or exported from People’s Republic of China in pursuance of countervailing duty/anti-subsidy investigation issued by DGTR MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) NOTIFICATION No. 2/2019-Customs (CVD) New Delhi, the 30th August, 2019 G.S.R. 610(E).—Whereas, in the […]
Seeks to impose definitive countervailling duty on ‘New/Unused pneumatic radial tyres with or without tubes and/or flap of rubber (including tubeless tyres), having nominal rim dia code above 16’ used in buses and lorries/trucks” originating in or exported from, People’s Republic of China. [TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRAORDINARY, PART II, SECTION […]
Seeks to impose definitive Countervailing duty on the imports of Certain Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled Stainless Steel Flat Products originating in or exported from China PR – 1/2017-Customs(CVD) – Anti Dumping Duty
Notification No. 1/2016-Customs(CVD) Seeks to levy definitive countervailing duty on import of Castings for wind-operated electricity generators whether or not machined, in raw, finished or sub-assembled form, or as a part of a sub-assembly, or as a part of an equipment/ component meant for wind-operated electricity generators originating in, or exported from the People’s Republic of China for a period of five years.
No person shall manufacture, distribute, sell, purchase, possess, store, or consume any controlled substance included in Schedule-A without a unique registration number in Form-A issued by the Zonal Director of Narcotics Control Bureau:
hereas, the Central Government, having regard to the available information as to the possible use of substances mentioned in the Table below in the production or manufacture of various narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and also to implement the provisions of the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988, decided to declare them as controlled substances ;
The Principal notification was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide notification no.36/2001 – Customs (N.T.), dated, the 3rd August, 2001 (S.O.748 (E), dated, the 3rd August, 2001) and was last amended vide Notification No.01/2006-Customs (N.T), dated, the 2nd January, 2006 (S.O.1(E) dated 2nd January, 2006).