ICAI establishes a group to improve work-life balance and stress management for Chartered Accountants through workshops, wellness programs, and peer support networks.
ICAI extends the last date for payment of Membership/COP fee for 2024-25 to December 31, 2024, due to technical issues with the KYM form submission.
IFSCA seeks stakeholder feedback on guidelines for cybersecurity and resilience for entities in GIFT IFSC, enhancing regulatory standards in financial services.
ICSI waives late fee for December 2024 CS exam applications. Enroll by October 10, 2024, without late fee. Changes effective immediately.
SEBI proposes changes to mutual fund disclosures, including expense, returns, and risk-o-meter updates. Public comments are open until October 18, 2024.
IFSCA offers incentives for FMEs to establish ESG funds at GIFT IFSC, waiving fees for the first ten filings to promote sustainable finance in India.
SEBI seeks public comments on exempting certain transactions from trading window restrictions to enhance ease of doing business. Feedback due by October 17, 2024.
ICSI requests SEBI to dispense with physical copies of Notices and Annual Reports for listed entities, promoting efficiency and environmental sustainability.
ICSI requests SEBI to waive the dispatch of physical Notices and Annual Reports for General Meetings, promoting e-documents and environmental sustainability.
ICAI announces region-wise nominations received for the 26th Council and 25th Regional Councils’ elections, to be held in December 2024.