Read SEBI’s Master Circular for AIFs, providing regulatory framework, compliance requirements, and guidelines for investors in securities market.
The assessment of working capital requirement of borrowers, other than micro and small enterprises, requiring fund based working capital limits up to ₹ 1 crore and micro and small enterprises requiring fund based working capital limits up to ₹ 5 crore from the banking system may be made on the basis of their projected annual turnover.
Master circular issued by SEBI regarding guidelines for ESG Rating Providers (ERPs). Understand regulatory framework, obligations, and compliance requirements for ERPs under SEBI (Credit Rating Agencies) Regulations, 1999.
Master circular from SEBI regarding compliance with SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. This comprehensive master circular consolidates provisions of previous circulars issued by SEBI.
Stay updated with comprehensive regulations by SEBI on the issue and listing of Non-Convertible Securities, Securitised Debt Instruments, Security Receipts, Municipal Debt Securities, and Commercial Paper.
Stay updated with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Master Circular for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) issued in July 2023. Access all applicable circulars in one place and ensure compliance with the regulations. Read the full text on the SEBI website.
Stay updated with SEBI Master Circular for Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) issued in July 2023. Access all applicable circulars in one place and ensure compliance with regulations.
Stay updated with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Master Circular for Debenture Trustees issued in March 2023. Access all applicable circulars in one place and ensure compliance with regulations. Read the full text on the SEBI website.
SEBI has issued a master circular for Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) encompassing guidelines, obligations, and code of conduct. This article provides an overview of the circular, its purpose, and its applicability to registered CRAs, debenture trustees, and issuers of various securities. Stay informed about the regulatory framework in place for CRAs in India.
Discover the National Stock Exchange of India’s master circular for listed entities. This circular provides a comprehensive compilation of relevant and updated circulars and guidelines issued by the exchange, allowing listed companies to easily access and comply with regulatory requirements. Ensure continuous compliance by referring to the applicable circulars and guidelines mentioned in the master circular.