In this Article Author compiled CGST Act 2017 with all notification / Acts issued and changes which occurred till Till 30th September 2022 including the changes vide Finance Act, 2022. Books contains all Section of CGST Act 2017 updated with changes till 30th September 2022. Book is Updated by By Ghanshyam Upadhyay and Praveen Upadhyay […]
INTRODUCTION : The Section 44AD of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is a presumptive business income section. This section is generally applicable in the cases of large number of tax payers. This section is thoroughly related with Section 44AA (liability for compulsory maintenance of books of accounts) and Section 44AB (liability for getting books of […]
Income Tax Calculator in excel for F.Y. 2021-2022 A.Y. 2022-2023 select better option from Old regime vs new regime of taxation u/s 115BAC for Individual & HUF Individual and HUF has to choose any one option out of two options for paying income tax for F.Y. 2021-2022 A.Y. 2022-2023 in India. Option 1 old regime […]
GST- A Practical Guide on GST Act – CA Vaishali Kharde Today is the 5th Anniversary of the GST. The GST roller coaster ride is a maze with several modifications. Over the past five years, taxpayers have had difficulty comprehending the multiple amendments made through notifications, circulars, orders, and clarifications. On a lighter note, it may be […]
Articles contains Updated CARO New Format, Schedule III New Requirements, Board Reports Format, Management Representation Letter, AS requirements for Corporates / Non-Corporates, Audit Program, Audit Report Format etc. AUDIT MANUAL SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (Contains Format of CARO 2020, Additional Requirements of Schedule III) 2021-2022 (updated till 27.06.2022) INDEX OF CONTENTS PAGE PARTICULARS 4 KEY […]
Excel format to calculate TDS on Salary which needs to be deducted by the employer from the employee Salary.
Income Tax Chart 2022 (21st Edition) Here it is, duly updated and modified wherever required. You can take a printout of the same and place at a suitable place for day to day reference. All Suggestions for its improvement are always Welcome.
New format of Form No. SH-4 – Securities Transfer Form [section 56 of Companies Act, 2013 & rule 11(1) of Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules 2014
Draft Circular for the Standard Operating Procedure to be followed for facilitating jewelry exports through Courier and corresponding draft notifications for necessary amendment to Courier Imports and Exports (Electronic Declaration and Processing) Regulations, 2010
Please find the Summarized presentation explaining the concept of Speaking orders and rationale for issuance of Instructions No: 3/2022-GST dated 14.06.2022 on Speaking order and Necessity of having Post-Audit of GST orders under GST Act and comparison of the same with Erstwhile Law.