Reference is drawn to the provisions of IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 in accordance to which every insurer shall evolve a health insurance underwriting policy covering approach and aspects relating to offering health insurance coverage not only to standard lives but also to substandard lives. Attention is also drawn to provision of The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019.
a. Triggering of disclosure requirement due to acquisition or disposal of the shares, as the case may be, by the acquirer together with persons acting in concert (PACs). b. Triggering of disclosure requirement in case the shares are held in physical form by the acquirer and/or PACs. c. Listed companies who have not provided PAN of promoter(s) including member(s) of the promoter group to the designated depository or companies which have not appointed any depository as their designated depository.
Section 67(12) of the TNGST Act 2017 states that, the Commissioner or an Officer authorised by him may cause purchase of any goods or services or both by any person authorised by him from the business premises of any taxable person, to check the issue of tax invoice or bills of supply by such taxable person and on return of goods so purchased by such officer, such taxable person or any person in charge of the business premises shall refund the amount so paid towards the goods after cancelling any tax invoice / bill of supply issued earlier.
With a view to enhance the efficiency and professionalism of officers/teams deployed for carrying out anti-evasion/anti-smuggling work, particularly when they are required to search premises, vehicles; verify a stock of goods; draw up a panchnama or to arrest a person away from their office premises, Board has received a suggestion that a standard toolkit may be provided.
Income Tax payable on the contribution in a PF account exceeding Rs. 5 lakh per annum w.e.f. financial year 2021-22-reg. Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure O/o Controller General of Accounts, GPO Complex, E-Block, INA New Delhi. TA-3-07001/7/2021-TA-III-Part (1)/cs-8084/81 | Dated: 04.03.2022 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Income Tax payable on the contribution in a PF account […]
RBI has accorded regulatory approval to National Federation of Urban Co-operative Banks and Credit Societies Ltd. (NAFCUB) in June 2019 for formation of Umbrella Organization (UO) for the UCB Sector. The approval inter-alia permits UCBs to subscribe to capital of the UO on voluntary basis.
In case any one of the PPF accounts or all the PPF accounts is/are proposed to be merged or amalgamated is / are opened on or after 12.12.2019, such account(s) shall be closed without any interest payment and no no proposal should be sent to the Postal Directorate for amalgamation of such PPF Accounts.
In the Maharashtra Goods and Services Tax Department (MGSTD), the activity of interception of conveyances for verification of E-way bill is carried out by Enforcement officers as well as Non-enforcement (Nodal) officers.
Some RRB have paid EPS Contribution up to January 2020. The number of full year’s contribution period exceeds more than 24 years in respect of several employees who are in service prior to 1996.
The process is being automated. The Rules prescribe the submission of the necessary details electronically, through the common portal. (The common portal is the one notified vide notification 33/2021 dated 29-03-2021 and accessible at the URL