In its continuous endeavor towards the reform agenda taken up towards having a fully insured India, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has extended the ‘Use and File’ procedure for most of the Life Insurance products. This means now the life insurance companies can also launch these products without prior approval of IRDAI. […]
Reduced compliance burden for insurance companies IRDAI, in its continuous endeavour towards promoting ease of doing business for insurance companies in India, has reviewed and rationalized the regulatory returns to be filed by the Insurance Companies. In its latest circular dated 10.06.2022, IRDAI has reduced the number of off-line returns being submitted by Life Insurers […]
Mutual Funds/ AMCs are mandated to conduct comprehensive cyber audit at least 2 times in a financial year. Along with the cyber audit reports, henceforth, all Mutual Funds/ AMCs are directed to submit a declaration from the Managing Director (MD)/ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) certifying compliance by the Mutual Funds/ AMCs with all SEBI Circulars and advisories related to cyber security from time to time.
Reserve Bank of India RBI/2022-23/69 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 05 June 09, 2022 AD Category I banks Madam/ Sir, Discontinuation of Return under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Attention of Authorised Persons is invited to A.P. (DIR series) circular No 26, dated February 18, 2022, wherein Authorised Persons were advised about proposed discontinuation of the […]
The Central Record Keeping Agencies (CRAs) appointed by PFRDA develop system level functionalities as per the evolving needs of NPS/APY stakeholders in accordance with Section 21 of PFRDA Act 2013.
RESERVE BANK OF INDIA RBI/2022-23/68 DOR.CRE.REC.42/09.22.010/2022-23 | Dated: June 08, 2022 All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks, Madam / Dear Sir, Individual Housing loans – Enhancement in limits Please refer to circular UBD.BPD.(PCB). Cir.No.7/09.22.010/2011-12 dated October 31, 2011 on the above subject. 2. As announced in the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies (para no.1 annexed), […]
tock Brokers / Depository Participants shall identify and classify critical assets based on their sensitivity and criticality for business operations, services and data management. The critical assets shall include business critical systems, internet facing applications /systems, systems that contain sensitive data, sensitive personal data, sensitive financial data, Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data, etc.
Our experience shows that the bill traders after getting registrations, issue invoices without supply of goods or services for huge amount within a short span of time.
Relaxation in provision of submission of ‘Bill of Export’ as an evidence of export obligation discharge for supplies made to SEZ units in case of Advance Authorisation.
As you are aware, ENVOY portal, maintained by Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) is the central database for various categories of insurance sales persons working for insurance industry in India.