Income Tax : Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2020 under Income Tax Act 1961. was notified by the Ministry of Finance on 25th. September 2020. To empowe...
Income Tax : The CBDT is launching the Faceless Assessment in various direct & indirect tax procedures from today as announced earlier ...
Income Tax : In the series of tax reforms, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has on 13th August, 2020 announced some reformative measure during ...
Income Tax : Much has been said about the process as to how faceless e-assessments will happen from now onwards. Paper submissions and resubmis...
Income Tax : Introduction ♠ The Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi dreamed of corruption free India taking help of Information and Technology an...
Income Tax : Explore Income Tax Department's Taxpayer's Charter 2020, detailing its vision, mission, and service standards. Learn about obligat...
Income Tax : Article explains Differences between current scheme & Faceless Assessment scheme, Constitution of ReACS, Consequences of No Re...
Income Tax : On 13th August 2020, Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi has enunciated a platform to tribute the honest taxpayers of the...
Income Tax : The CBDT has carried out several major tax reforms in direct taxes in the recent years, which includes the following: (i) Reductio...
Income Tax : ईमानदार करदाताओं को प्रोत्साहन और कर प्रणाली में...
Income Tax : Faceless Appeal Scheme has been implemented in ITBA and the allocation of cases to Faceless Appeal units is under progress. A numb...
Income Tax : With the launch of the Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2020, the Income Tax Department is moving towards minimal interface with maximum go...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) notifies Income-tax Authorities of Regional Faceless Appeal Centres (RFAC) vide Notification ...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) notify the Income-tax Authorities of National Faceless Appeal Centre (NFAC) vide Notification...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Department today launched Faceless Income Tax Appeals. Under Faceless Appeals, all Income Tax appeals will be final...
With the launch of the Faceless Assessment Scheme, 2019, the Income-tax Department is moving towards minimal interface with maximum governance. In order to effect the same, the NeAC, Delhi has been created under the Principal Chief Commissioner of Income-tax (NeAC) and 30 ReACs under the Chief Commissioner of Income-tax have been created at 20 centres vide S.O. 2756/57 F No. 187/3/2020- ITA- 1.
Faceless assessment means carrying out of income tax assessment procedure without human interface with the use of technology wherein, a centralized NeAC (National Electronic Assessment Centre) shall be the medium of communication with the assesses and department with the use of Artificial intelligence, algorithms. The Cases shall be assigned to the department through automated allocation […]
Central Board of Direct Taxes: Structure and Procedure of Faceless Assessment under Income Tax Act, pursuant to the amendment of e-assessment Scheme, 2019 In a pioneering decision, the Central Government vide Notification no. 60/2020 and 61/2020 dated 13 August 2020 (Notifications 2020) introduced Faceless Assessment for the purposes of Scrutiny Assessment and Best Judgement Assessment […]
Proposal To Add 11 New Transactions In Form 26AS 1) Education related fees and donations above 1 lakh in a year. 2) Electricity bills of above 1 lakh in a year 3) Domestic business class air travel or foreign travel. 4) Hotel bills above Rs.20,000/- 5) Purchase of jewellery, white goods, paintings, marble, etc. above Rs.1lakh. White goods includes Electronic Products i.e. TV, Refrigerator, Washing Machine.
The challnges to professionals in the face of faceless assessments And appeals – Chiselling the skills and acquiring new ones The bouquet of the latest Circulars of the CBDT has heralded the entire Nation into a New Era of transparent tax administration . Besides, it is a clarion call to the taxmen, the assessees and […]
In the series of tax reforms, the Prime Minister announced some reformative measure during launch of ‘Transparent taxation honouring honest’ platform like faceless assessment, faceless appeal process and tax payers’ charter. Let us discuss the measures announced and its impact on the system and the tax payers. Since implementation of faceless appeal is postponed till […]
Preface to Income tax: Faceless assessment scheme ♦ Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had announced the e-assessment scheme in her budget speech on 5th July 2019 which was inaugurated subsequently on 7th October 2019. ♦ Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 13th August,2020 had lunched “Transparent Taxation-Honouring the honest” platform and by that enlisted the rights of […]
INTRODUCTION Administrative departments in the country are on a pathway of digitalization. Old administration practices are continuously being upgraded to improve efficiency and resource utilization. CBDT too, plays active role in the same and has incorporated Income Tax Business Application (ITBA) for electronic conduct of various functions/proceedings including e-assessment is step towards the same. Adding […]
On 13th August 2020, Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi has enunciated a platform to tribute the honest taxpayers of the country and ensuring awareness about honest tax payment in India. The inauguration of the “Transparent Taxation” program happened at 11 am through video conferencing. The “Transparent Taxation” platform will work to create major reforms meant to establish more transparency in income […]
The CBDT has carried out several major tax reforms in direct taxes in the recent years, which includes the following: (i) Reduction in corporate tax to 22% from 30% for existing companies and 15% for new manufacturing units. (ii) Abolition of dividend distribution tax (iii) Simplification of compliance norms for startups (iv) Settlement of pending […]