Income Tax : Explore how changes in the Finance Act impact tax on long-term and short-term capital gains through revised indexation rates. Insi...
CA, CS, CMA : Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, I recently heard about a case where rebate under Section 87A was allowed on short-term capi...
Income Tax : Taxpayers receiving income tax notices for additional tax on capital gains due to changes in Section 87A interpretation, affecting...
Income Tax : Explore key amendments under capital gains in the 2024-25 budget, including changes to buyback tax, indexation removal, and capita...
Income Tax : Learn about capital gain tax exemptions on property under redevelopment, including eligibility under Section 54 and implications f...
Corporate Law : Finance Ministry's new capital gains tax: Short-term gains at 20%, long-term at 12.5%. Exemption limit raised to ₹1.25 lakh for ...
Income Tax : The Supreme Court will hear on September 10 the impleadment petition filed by the Forex Derivatives Consumers Forum along with the...
Income Tax : DTC Billproposes to tax short-term capital gains arising from stocks and mutual funds at half the marginal rate.So, if your margin...
Income Tax : The Income Tax department is all set to move the Supreme Court for a final judgement on its tax claims of around Rs 2,000 crore (R...
Finance : The decision to make half-yearly internal audits obligatory for stock broking houses spells doom for smaller firms that are alread...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that disallowance of short term capital loss not justified since there is no evidence on record based on which ge...
Income Tax : Explore the detailed analysis of JS Capital LLC Vs ACIT (ITAT Mumbai) regarding the offsetting of Short Term Capital Loss (STCL) a...
Income Tax : Explore how DCIT vs. Claris Lifesciences Limited case sets precedent for setting off deemed short-term capital gain on sale of dep...
Income Tax : Explore the DCIT vs K.E. Faizal case where the ITAT Cochin ruled on taxation of mutual fund gains, analyzing the application of In...
Income Tax : Assessee has appealed against an order passed by CIT(A) and subsequent addition. Learn more about Capital Gain cannot be treated a...
Income Tax : CIRCULAR NO. 6/2015, Dated: April 9, 2015 no capital gains will arise at the time of exercise of the option in the case of Fixed M...
As can be seen from the above the adjustment made by the assessee is according to the provisions of the Act. Since both the industrial galas fall within the block the WDV is increased by the actual cost of the asset falling within the block and reduced by the amount payable in respect of the asset sold. Accordingly we do not find any mistake in assessee’s working of the block of assets which is according to the provisions of section 43(6)(c). The A.O.’s action in denying the inclusion of asset within the block is on the condition that the asset was not put to use.
The assessee, an employee of Johnson & Johnson (“J&J”) India, received from J&J, USA, on 12.7.1989 a “cashless” option to buy 2500 shares at the then prevailing market price of $ 57.88 per share. The options were exercisable in installments over 10 years starting 11.7.1991. On 13.8.1992 (AY 1993-94), the assessee ‘sold’ the options and made a gain of Rs. 5,44,925
The Income-tax Appellate Tribunal (“the Tribunal”) , in the case of First State Investments (Hongkong) Ltd. A/c First State Asia Innovation and Technology Fund1 (“the assessee”), examined the manner of set-off of short- term capital loss suffered from sale transactions subject to Securities Transaction Tax (”STT”) against short- term capital gains arising prior to introduction of STT, during the financial year.
Set-off & Carry Forward of losses in direct tax code: Carry forward of loss permitted only if return filed within due date Set-off & Carry Forward of losses [Sections 58 to 60] Income from various sources falling within any head of income shall be set-off. Income / Loss from Capital Gains can be set-off against […]
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on August 10 released the New Draft Direct Tax Code. The draft, which is expected to radically change the tax structure, will now be open for discussion after which it will take the form of law. The finance minister had in his budget promised to deliver a new code within 45 […]
Wrong selection of ITR :- One may sorely miss the old ‘one size fits all’ SARAL forms for the sheer ease and convenience of filling up the one page return, but they were not e-friendly. It was also cumbersome to attach a whole lot of supporting documents and spend a day away from the office […]
12. We have heard both the parties. The first contention of the learned AR is that section 195 is not applicable because the deductee is a tax resident of India and is being assessed in India. This ground of appeal has been decided by the learned CIT (A) against the deductor and the deductor has not filed any cross objection. Therefore, it cannot be held that section 195 will not be applicable
21. In view of the above submissions of the assessee and in view of the fact that M/s.Sky Blue Trading & Investment Pvt. Ltd. is sister concern of the assessee, we find no merit in the contentions of the assessee that the transaction between the assessee and M/s.Sky Blue Trading & Investment Pvt. Ltd. fell through because of the non-compliance of the conditions stipulated in the Memorandum of Understanding
In every case in which tax is to be deducted at the rates in force under the provisions of sections 193, 194, 194A, 194B, 194BB, 194D and 195 of the Income tax Act, the rates for deduction of income-tax at source during the financial year 2008-09 have been specified in Part II of the First […]
The Income Tax department is all set to move the Supreme Court for a final judgement on its tax claims of around Rs 2,000 crore (Rs 20 billion) in cases involving dividend stripping prior to 2002-03. The taxman had lost the case in the Bombay high court last year. Though the government in 2005 put […]