Finance : An order book refers to the orders a company has received to manufacture goods or provide services. These orders will be converted...
Finance : Beta is a measure of an asset's volatility in relation to the overall market. It is a numerical value that indicates how much an a...
Finance : Discover the dynamics of the share market, where buyers and sellers trade publicly listed shares and various financial securities....
Finance : Investing in stock market can be a rewarding journey, but for beginners, it can also be overwhelming. Understanding basics is cruc...
Finance : Let's explore how you can invest in Nifty 50. Investors have two primary options: Nifty Index Funds and Nifty Exchange Traded Fund...
SEBI : All cash benefit distributions are being processed outside the depository system. Thus, no information is available in the demat a...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that as per CBDT circular no. 4/2007 dated 15.6.2007 and 6/2016 dated 29-2-2016, person can hold shares as bot...
Income Tax : A.G. Ferro Cast P Ltd Vs ITO (ITAT Kolkata) A perusal of the assessment order reveals that the order of the Assessing Officer is s...
Once you start earning, the first thought that might come to most of us would be how do I grow using this money? Well, one of the most preferred options is by investing the surplus you have in stocks. If you are a first-time investor or just starting out, this blog will help you understand the 7 basic things you must know before you start. This blog will help you start investing in the Indian Stock Market in no time!
Investing or trading is not just about what to buy or sell, position sizing, risk management, money management, time management, etc. are also equally required to become a successful trader and investor. In this article, I will cover one of the most important and yet overlooked ingredient of successful investing/trading and that is position sizing.
आज के नये दौर में, नई तर्ज पर, नये और युवा निवेशक उभरती हुई टेक कंपनी में निवेश के प्रति काफी आकर्षित हो रहे हैं. इनके लिए कंपनी के बिजनेस आइडिया, सोच और उसका बढ़ता मार्केट मायने रखता है और इसीलिए यह उन कंपनियों में भी खुल कर निवेश कर रहे हैं जो भले घाटे […]
Will Stock market bubble burst or enlarge? Are we really in Stock market bubble? 1. What is Stock Market Bubble ? Unjustifiable High Prices of the shares is a bubble as a result of bullish sentiment in the market. 2. Can bubble be Measured ? Bubble can be measured by comparing traditional or historical prices […]
Sharp correction of March 2020 and subsequent quicker recovery has attracted many investors to equity market. Majority of them are investing through mutual funds. I wish to warn these new investors against the mistakes which novice commit while investing in equity mutual schemes. Let us discuss some of the major mistakes. Making investments without linking […]
Ever wondered what is the difference between Fundamental and Technical approaches to Stock Picking? Is Technical Analysis a form of betting your money? Is only investing with Fundamentals in mind enough? Hope you are all enjoying the upswing in the market post March, 2020. Sensex & Nifty has bounced back & have bounced back in a […]
Of late Flexicap fund have been in news for more than one reasons. Let us understand what Flexicap funds are and why they have been in news off late. Article further explain Taxation of Flexicap fund. Historical Background SEBI had issued a Circular on 6th October 2017 to standardize scheme under various categories as well […]
Valuation of shares under Net Asset Method (Guidelines issued by the ICAI) Valuation of shares: Formula to calculate the Value per share under Net Asset method is as follows: (Total Assets – Liabilities – Preference shareholders) ÷ Total No. of outstanding Equity shares A) Net Assets: All asset should be valued at market value. Points […]
Basis of Distinction: Governing Sections: 1. Rights Shares: u/s 62 of Companies Act of 2013 2. Bonus Shares: u/s 63 of Companies Act of 2013 Meaning: 1. Rights Shares: Issue of further shares to the already existing shareholders of the company in ratio of the proportion of their holdings at discounted price. 2. Bonus Shares: […]
There has been a significant increase in the curiosity of investors about buying unlisted shares. India has seen emergence of many unlisted companies which are doing well in terms of valuation. Success stories of startups commanding mind blowing valuation has drawn attention of many investors. There has been some news about of shares of IPL […]