Company Law : Learn about Alteration of Share Capital: types, process, and its significance under the Companies Act of 2013. Understand how comp...
Income Tax : Unlock the complexities of Income Tax on Shares in this comprehensive guide. Explore classifications, Capital Gains, PGBP, and nav...
Company Law : Authorized share capital of the company is the maximum permissible limit set by the shareholders of the Company that allows the Co...
Finance : Uncover the findings of Hindenburg Research's 2-year investigation, alleging Adani Groups stock manipulation and accounting fraud ...
Finance : Explore the impact of Adani Groups sustainable practices on its financial performance. Learn about its comprehensive business mode...
Income Tax : As regards shares and other securities, the same can be held either as capital asset or stock-in-trade / trading asset or both. Ho...
SEBI : Forfeiture of shares is a process specified under Table-F (Articles of Association of a Company Limited by Shares) of Schedule I o...
Company Law : To prevent misuse of class action suits, the new Companies Act may specify a minimum number of shareholders or creditors of compan...
Company Law, Finance : Come September, the incorporation of companies or various regulatory filings will not be a cumbersome and time-taking exercise any...
Company Law : Companies cannot relist themselves on the bourses for up to ten years after their delisting, instead of two years as was the case ...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that benefit of deduction under section 80IC of the Income Tax Act available even in case of addition of uns...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata held that it is unjustified to assess share capital and share premium as unexplained cash credit u/s. 68 merely for h...
Company Law : Brillio Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Vs Registrar of Companies (NCLAT Delhi) NCLAT that the NCLT has erroneously held that the Applicati...
Income Tax : AO was duty bound to provide opportunity of cross-examination of witness, if he relied on statement of such witness to decide agai...
Income Tax : The issue under consideration is Unlisted shares sold after holding for 23 months considered as Long Term Capital Gains or Short T...
SEBI : Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2009 - Amendment in...
SEBI : The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide circular ref. no. MRD/DoP/Cir-05/2007 dated April 27, 2007 made PAN the sol...
SEBI : Every member, who is directly or indirectly interested in any matter coming up for consideration at a meeting of the Committee, s...
Company Law : Notification of change in COMPANIES (APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICATIONS OF SECRETARY) RULES to increase the present limit of paid-up c...
Company Law : he application should be addressed to The Secretary, Department Of Company Affairs, of the Jurisdiction in which you are falling. ...
1. What is meant by delisting of securities? The term delisting of securities means removal of securities of a listed company from a stock exchange. As a consequence of delisting, the securities of that company would no longer be traded at that stock exchange.
Preferential Allotment means an issue of shares by a body corporate under Section 62 (1) (c) of the Companies Act, 2013. Relevant Date means a date 30 days prior to the date on which the general meeting of the Company is held in terms of Section 62(1) (c) of the Companies Act, 2013.
As regards shares and other securities, the same can be held either as capital asset or stock-in-trade / trading asset or both. However, the Act does not contain any specific guidelines as to the characterisation of any particular investment as capital asset or stock-in-trade / trading asset. While this characterisation is essentially a facts-specific determination, the absence of legislative guidance has resulted in a lot of uncertainty and avoidable litigation.
Whether shares/securities issued by company or an issuer in demat form are chargeable to stamp duty under Indian Stamp Act? If yes then on what value it will be charged or how consideration would be calculated for the purpose of levy of stamp duty?
Forfeiture of shares is a process specified under Table-F (Articles of Association of a Company Limited by Shares) of Schedule I of the Companies Act, 2013. The standard procedure to be followed in case of forfeiture of partly paid-up shares is as follows:
In these cases there are 18 different assessees who filed appeal before ITAT aggrieved from the order u/s 263 passed by CITs. In original proceedings AO passed orders with nominal additions after investigation by way of summoning various subscribers to share capital of assessee companies.
All AMFI/ NISM Certified Intermediaries engaged in marketing and selling of Mutual Fund schemes are required to be registered with AMFI after passing AMFI/ NISM Certification Test. The Mutual Funds will not be able to deal with intermediaries who are not registered with AMFI and obtained ARN.
Technical analysts study historical stock and index price trends to predict stock movements and trends. A stock or index chart like any other graph has two-axis – X and Y – plotted for price and time. Each chart has a specific function and what chart you use, depends on the information you are seeking. There […]
Buy-Back of Securities (Unlisted Public Co. & Private Co.) Buy Back of Securities is a boon for Companies who wants to reduce their Share Capital. First of all, here are few preliminary notes of Buy Back: a. Introduced by ‘The Companies (Amendment) Act, 1999 b. Governing Sections of Companies Act, 1956:
The primary objective of the Finance manager is always to increase the wealth of the shareholders in long term. And this objective is also compared with the profit maximization objective of the corporation and almost all the authors believe that Wealth maximization is superior objective than Profit Maximization.