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Legislative history of Service Tax regime & analysis on penalty provision

Service Tax : Explore the legislative history of the Service Tax regime and gain insights into penalty provisions under Chapter V of the Finance...

June 4, 2022 5967 Views 0 comment Print

Analysis of Recent Service Tax Notification No. 03/2017-ST and 04/2017-ST

Service Tax : CBEC have issued notification No. 03/2017-ST and 04/2017-ST on 12th January, 2017. We have analysed changes/ amendments made thro...

January 23, 2017 14443 Views 7 comments Print

Tour Operator service-Amendment in abatement & CENVAT allowed

Service Tax : W.e.f. 22.01.2017, the abatement of 40% of gross amount charged for any tour operator service will be available. Therefore, w.e.f....

January 15, 2017 82219 Views 16 comments Print

Analysis of Service tax on Freight Forwarder on Transportation of Goods from India to Overseas

Service Tax : In a welcome move, a much awaited guidance, the CBSE issued Circular No 197/7/2016-Service tax dated August 12, 2016, to clarify ...

August 17, 2016 24146 Views 1 comment Print

Service Tax- Concept of Bundled Service

Service Tax : As the name suggests, ‘bundled services’ are the combination of two or more services. i.e. combination of provision of various...

February 13, 2016 20660 Views 2 comments Print

Brief on Service Tax on Educational Institutes

November 9, 2014 84106 Views 42 comments Print

Education sector has seen revolutionary changes in the past decade and so has the much debated service tax. The much thoughtful leaders of India have spared the education sector all alone from levy of taxes considering the importance of the same for the country. If a country wants to grow manifold than building infrastructure for education and educated infrastructure (people of the country) is a prerequisite.

Rule 5A(2) of Service Tax Rules, 1994 – Ultra vires the Statute

August 7, 2014 7970 Views 0 comment Print

Rule 5A(2) of the ST Rules, 1994 provides that every assessee has to provide to the officer authorized by the commissioner or CAG to produce records maintained by the assessee. Brief Facts: Theappellant ‘Travelite (India)’ is a registered assessee under the Service Tax. It received a notice from the Commissioner of Service Tax seeking records […]

Service Tax – How free is the free issue?

July 2, 2014 3336 Views 0 comment Print

Taxability of free Issue Material has been a very controversial issue especially in the service tax regime. Earlier under the erstwhile positive list era of service tax, where the construction sector enjoyed the benefit of 67:33 rule (Notification No. 15/2004), the service providers started planning the transactions in a way that the major purchases were being shifted to the client account

Food Industry and Indirect taxes

March 23, 2014 34352 Views 21 comments Print

Once the products are produced by a farmer or dairy produce is made by a person, then many processes are being done on the same before the same is put to use for any other purpose. If because of such process on the products made results in a new, distinct product,

Service Tax V/S Bollywood: An Insight into Advent of Taxability on Bollywood

December 31, 2013 4314 Views 0 comment Print

Adv. Neerav Mainkar Bollywood celebrities today are always in the fear of tax raids!. Ninety per cent of celebrities do not pay Service Tax because they don’t know they are liable to pay. There is a lack in educating Bollywood.They are in need of guidance, especially now, when they are the target of frequent raids.

Service Tax Applicability on Tour Operators

December 8, 2013 83166 Views 23 comments Print

To understand the concept of Tour Operator first of all we have to clear that there is major difference between tour operator and Travel Agent Service. Tour Operator is wide term than Travel Agent.

Clarifications on Services Provided by Restaurants

July 29, 2013 13669 Views 0 comment Print

Issue No 1 : Is the VAT imposed by States required to be included for the Purpose of Service Tax? Answer: For the Purpose of Service Tax State VAT has to be excluded from the Taxable Value. issue No 2: Is the Serving of Food And/or Beverages by way of Room Service liable for Service Tax?

Implications of Service Tax on the Printing Industry

July 3, 2013 78773 Views 11 comments Print

CA Anuj Mehta WHETHER SERVICE TAX IS APPLICABLE ON PRINTED BOOKS BY PRINTING PRESS?    First we need to understand what is service? In the new regime, all services, other than services specified in the Negative List, provided or agreed to be provided in the ‘taxable territory’ by a person to another would be taxed. […]

Service tax on Construction of dams & Canals for Sardar sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

June 26, 2013 6037 Views 0 comment Print

Whether Construction of dams & Canals on tender and contracts issued by Sardar sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited (SSNNL) is liable to service tax? First of all we have to look at the extract of 12th entry of Notification No. 25/2012(MEGA EXEMPTION) ST dated 20.06.2012, which states that benefit of mega exemption is available only  if […]

Selling of Space to an Advertising Agency- Whether it will be covered in Negative List?

June 18, 2013 6101 Views 0 comment Print

Leviability of service tax has undergone a drastic change. From the list of 119 taxable services to a negative list and mega exemption has been introduced. With such a change from positive to negative list there are lots of issue which needs clarification. If no clarification is issued by CBEC it will lead to litigation.

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