Exemption Under Section 54EC of Income Tax Act, 1961- Amendment, Articles, News Notifications, Judgments and Detailed Analysis at one place
Finance : Understand real estate tax changes post-Budget 2024, including LTCG tax reduction, removal of indexation benefits, and rollover pr...
Income Tax : Learn how recent amendments to Section 112 of the Income Tax Act impact capital gains tax, including indexation rollback and new t...
Income Tax : Understand capital gains tax, exemptions under Sections 54/54F, TDS rates, and tax filing requirements for property sales in India...
Income Tax : Learn about capital gain exemptions under Sections 54, 54F, and 54EC of the Income-tax Act for property sales. Maximize tax benefi...
Income Tax : In Respect of exemptions, deduction etc Income Tax Act, 1961 imposes various threshold limit. Like in respect of Tax Rates or in r...
Income Tax : Representation against Extension of time limit under section 54 to 54GB without extension of Income Tax Return due date Vidarbha I...
Corporate Law : It has been decided to close the 54 EC capital gain bond issue 2022-23 of NHAI with Immediate effect. Accordingly, please ensure t...
CA, CS, CMA, Income Tax : We have not noticed any heed being extended towards various issues and possible solutions we have proposed through those represent...
Income Tax : KSCAA has requested to Hon’ble Minister of Finance to extend various time limits under section 54 to 54GB of the Income-tax Act,...
Income Tax : In furtherance of the existing proviso to section 54EC, a new proviso has been inserted to clarify that the investment made by an ...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that reopening of an assessment under section 147 of the Income Tax Act merely on the basis of communication...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court grants capital gains tax exemption under Section 54EC despite delayed investment in bonds, overturning CBDTâ€...
Income Tax : The petitioner sold his residential property and based on an advise invested the sale proceed in the bonds issued by the Responden...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that benefit of deduction under section 54EC of the Income Tax Act allowed since nexus between advance receive...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that assessee is not entitled for concession rate of tax of 20% provided under section 112(1) of the Income Tax A...
Income Tax : For claiming exemption Section 54 to 54 GB of the Act, for which last date falls between 01st April. 2021 to 28th February, 2022 m...
Income Tax : The Government of India in IEBR for FY 2022-23 have not mandated NHAI to raise funds from the market. Therefore. NHAI shall not is...
Income Tax : Central Government notifies Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited 54EC Capital Gains Bond issued by Indian Railway Finance Co...
Income Tax : Central Government notifies Power Finance Corporation Limited 54EC Capital Gains Bond issued by Power Finance Corporation Limited ...
Income Tax : In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ba) of Explanation to section 54EC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Ce...
It has been decided to close the 54 EC capital gain bond issue 2022-23 of NHAI with Immediate effect. Accordingly, please ensure that no fresh application/money is accepted for these bonds on or after 3rd September 2022. Bank are requested to freeze the credit in the bank accounts opened for NHAI 54 EC bonds collection from 03rd Sept 2022.
Article explains How to claim deduction under section 54EC on Short Term Capital Gain on depreciable assets held for more than 36 Months.Â
Naresh Chand Vs Income Tax Officer (ITAT Delhi) In the instant case, the sale deed was made in the month of October, 2013 therefore, the Assessee was supposed to invest u/s. 54EC of the Act within ‘six calendar months’ starting from November onwards and upto the month of April, 2014, which in the instant case […]
The Government of India in IEBR for FY 2022-23 have not mandated NHAI to raise funds from the market. Therefore. NHAI shall not issue 54 EC Bonds and any other debt instruments/Bonds etc. w.e.f. 01.04.2022. All are requested to please take a note of It and advise all your associates/brokers not to accept any fresh application and application money intended for allotment w.e.f. 01.4.2022 onwards.
Taxation on Capital Gains in India (Fy 31.03.2022/Ay 2022-23) S. N. Under the head Section 54 Section 54B Section 54D Section 54EC Section 54F Section 54G Section 54GA 1 Nature of Assesse Individual / HUF ‘only’ Individual / HUF ‘only’ ‘All’ assesses All’ assesses Individual / HUF ‘only’ ‘All’ assesses ‘All’ assesses 2 Nature of […]
Article deals with Exemption from Long Term Capital Gain Tax under Section 54, 54EC, 54F of Income Tax Act, 1961. Article explains on Sale / Purchase of which Asset under which section exemption is eligible, condition for such exemption, Quantum of Deduction and Exceptions to Exemption under Section 54, 54EC, 54F of Income Tax Act, […]
While recording of the reasons to reopen an assessment, AO was required to form only prima Facie opinions about escapement of income as he was not making an assessment but taking a first baby step for making the assessment by forming a reasonable belief that whether the claim of assessee should be tested in reassessment proceedings or not. Thus, there was no infirmity in the action of AO that reasoned escapement of income by claiming deduction of Rs. 1 crore u/s 54EC.
54EC bonds, or capital gain bonds, are the best way to save long-term capital gain tax. 54EC bonds are specifically meant for investors earning capital gain and would like tax exemption on these gains. The tax deduction is available under section 54EC of the Income Tax Act. 54EC does not allow any tax exemption on […]
Sri Pradip Kumar Basu Vs ITO (ITAT Kolkata) It is observed that the long-term capital gain of Rs.6,14,674/- had arisen to the assessee as a result of residential property sold on 12.06.2013 and in order to claim exemption on account of long-term capital gain under section 54EC of the Act, the assessee was required to […]
We have not noticed any heed being extended towards various issues and possible solutions we have proposed through those representations to your good selves and it gives an impression to us that the same were safely brushed aside by your ministry.