Exemption Under Section 54EC of Income Tax Act, 1961- Amendment, Articles, News Notifications, Judgments and Detailed Analysis at one place
Finance : Understand real estate tax changes post-Budget 2024, including LTCG tax reduction, removal of indexation benefits, and rollover pr...
Income Tax : Learn how recent amendments to Section 112 of the Income Tax Act impact capital gains tax, including indexation rollback and new t...
Income Tax : Understand capital gains tax, exemptions under Sections 54/54F, TDS rates, and tax filing requirements for property sales in India...
Income Tax : Learn about capital gain exemptions under Sections 54, 54F, and 54EC of the Income-tax Act for property sales. Maximize tax benefi...
Income Tax : In Respect of exemptions, deduction etc Income Tax Act, 1961 imposes various threshold limit. Like in respect of Tax Rates or in r...
Income Tax : Representation against Extension of time limit under section 54 to 54GB without extension of Income Tax Return due date Vidarbha I...
Corporate Law : It has been decided to close the 54 EC capital gain bond issue 2022-23 of NHAI with Immediate effect. Accordingly, please ensure t...
CA, CS, CMA, Income Tax : We have not noticed any heed being extended towards various issues and possible solutions we have proposed through those represent...
Income Tax : KSCAA has requested to Hon’ble Minister of Finance to extend various time limits under section 54 to 54GB of the Income-tax Act,...
Income Tax : In furtherance of the existing proviso to section 54EC, a new proviso has been inserted to clarify that the investment made by an ...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that reopening of an assessment under section 147 of the Income Tax Act merely on the basis of communication...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court grants capital gains tax exemption under Section 54EC despite delayed investment in bonds, overturning CBDTâ€...
Income Tax : The petitioner sold his residential property and based on an advise invested the sale proceed in the bonds issued by the Responden...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that benefit of deduction under section 54EC of the Income Tax Act allowed since nexus between advance receive...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that assessee is not entitled for concession rate of tax of 20% provided under section 112(1) of the Income Tax A...
Income Tax : For claiming exemption Section 54 to 54 GB of the Act, for which last date falls between 01st April. 2021 to 28th February, 2022 m...
Income Tax : The Government of India in IEBR for FY 2022-23 have not mandated NHAI to raise funds from the market. Therefore. NHAI shall not is...
Income Tax : Central Government notifies Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited 54EC Capital Gains Bond issued by Indian Railway Finance Co...
Income Tax : Central Government notifies Power Finance Corporation Limited 54EC Capital Gains Bond issued by Power Finance Corporation Limited ...
Income Tax : In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ba) of Explanation to section 54EC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Ce...
The dispute is regarding allowability of exemption under section 54 of the Act and computation of long term capital gain in respect of exchange of old flat with a new flat and cash compensation under development agreement with the builder.
Where a return of income could not be filed by the assessee due to unavoidable circumstances, and assessee proved to have a bona fide belief , coupled with the voluntary payment of tax liability, the Chief Commissioner was not justified in declining the benefit of a waiver of interest to assessee under section 234B.
If the assessee is able to keep the six months’ limit from the date of transfer of capital asset, but, still able to place investment of Rs. 50 lakhs each in two different financial years, we cannot say that the restrictive proviso will limit the claim to Rs. 50 lakhs only.
Following the decision of ACE Builders (P) 28 ITR 2000(Bom) and Assam Petroleum Industries Pvt Ltd 262 ITR 58 (Gau). It was held that Section 54E does not make any distinction between the depreciable assets and non-depreciable assets, therefore, the investment u/s 54E is a permissible investment.
The ld. CIT(Appeals) erred in law in not appreciating that benefit u/s.54EC is granted on capital gains and not on sale proceeds of capital asset. And that capital gain in respect of depreciable assets can be arrived at only u/s.50 and therefore, deeming provisions of section 50 cannot be ignored for the purpose of section 54EC.
Government only intended to restrict the investment in a particular financial year and accordingly has fixed the limit of Rs. 50,00,000/- as permissible limit in a particular financial year. The Government did not intend to restrict the maximum amount of exemption permissible under Section 54EC.
Flat purchased by the assessee in the name of his wife out of the sale consideration of flat in the name of the assessee should be considered as allowable deduction u/s.54(2) of the Income Tax Act.
Assessee eligible for S. 54EC benefit of Rs. 50 Lakh each made in two different financial years but within six months from transfer of capital asset. Only question that arises is whether proviso to Section 54EC(1) would limit the claim of exemption to Rs. 50 lakhs. Said proviso mentions that investment on which an assessee could claim exemption under Section 54EC(1) shall not exceed Rs. 50 lakhs during a financial year.
In case of transfer of capital asset forming part of block of assets in respect of which depreciation has been allowed, mode of computation and cost of acquisition shall be as per modifications provided in section 50. Thus, special provision made for computation of capital assets in respect of which depreciation has been allowed, is confined for the purpose of section 50 in relation to sections 48 and 49 only.
In This case ITAT Delhi held that Limit U/s 54EC of rs. 50 lakh Applies to Financial year not to the transaction. Court Further held that Cheque has to be issued within 6 months. Encashment of Cheque & Allotment of Bonds beyond 6 months is irrelevant.