Income Tax : Understand whether director remuneration is taxed as salary or business income. Learn about tax implications, employer-employee re...
Income Tax : Explore provisions under the Income-tax Act for computing business income, including various chargeable incomes and accounting met...
Income Tax : Explore the discussion between CA Micky and CA Mini on Sections 68 & 44AD of the Income Tax Act. Learn about unexplained cash cred...
Income Tax : Understand the impact of Section 43B(h) on businesses: Learn about deductions for MSME payments and the importance of timely payme...
Income Tax : Explore the impact of Finance Act, 2023, on MSME payment enforcement under section 43B(h) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Understand ...
Income Tax : The writ petitioner impugns the order dated 27 March 2018 in terms of which the respondent has come to reject applications filed b...
Custom Duty : CESTAT Delhi held that duty has to be paid when goods imported into an SEZ are not used for the authorised operations but are sold...
Custom Duty : Disha Realcon and SM Niryat had exported iron ore fines whose Fe content was below 58% under some Shipping Bills and iron ore fine...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that where Commissioner (Appeals) passed ex-parte order in violation of principles of natural justice, one mor...
Custom Duty : CESTAT Kolkata held that owner of the car is liable to pay customs duty on redemption of the confiscated vehicle/ car even if the ...
ITAT Delhi held that protective addition in the hands of assessee deleted as substantial addition already made in the hands of the assessee’s wife and tax is already paid on the same. Accordingly, addition deleted.
ITAT Kolkata held that duty drawback is part of gross receipts for the purpose of calculation of ‘gross receipts’ under the presumptive taxation as per section 44AD of the Income Tax Act. Thus, appeal allowed.
Delhi High Court observed that once the DGFT had proceeded to issue the MEIS scrip to the writ petitioners, they would have been justified in assuming that the issue of classification was neither questioned nor doubted.
CESTAT Chennai held that insulin manufactured using r-DNA technology would qualify as a mono component insulin and hence benefit of exemption notification under Notification No. 12/2012 – Cus. dated 17.03.2012 available.
Petitioners sought for an adjournment requesting relevant papers to examine the legality of the personal hearing notice. Respondent No.3 furnished documents most of which were handwritten and illegible.
Kerala High Court held that amount of interest received by the foreman of a chit on defaulting subscriptions cannot be said to be amounts received as consideration for the supply of services. Thus, the same is not leviable to GST.
ITAT Mumbai held that Goods and Services Tax (GST) amount while computing presumptive income under section 44B of the Income Tax Act cannot be included. Thus, issue decided in favour of assessee.
The respondents issued a show cause notice u/s. 28 and 124 of the Customs Act alleging a shortage of stock of diamonds imported after taking into account the exports effected, resulting evasion in customs duty to substantial extent.
The Special Economic Zone (SEZ) unit of Flextronics Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd. (‘Flextronics SEZ unit’) imported the goods, described by the petitioner as stand-alone parts/components, into India from Huawei, China.
M/s. Hyundai Motor India Limited, Kanchipuram (HMIL), are engaged in the manufacture of passenger motor cars, under the brand name of “Hyundai”. They import various parts and accessories of passenger motor cars through Chennai ports.