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Maximizing Tax Benefits on Home Loan Interest: A Strategic Guide

Income Tax : Learn how to optimize home loan interest tax benefits for self-occupied and rented properties. Strategies include reducing capital...

January 10, 2025 28080 Views 0 comment Print

FAQs on Income from house property

Income Tax : Rental income from sub-letting is taxed as "Income from other sources," not "Income from house property." Deemed ownership rules a...

August 26, 2024 544180 Views 67 comments Print

FAQs on Benami Property Transactions and Definitions

Income Tax : Learn about Benami property, its definitions, transactions, and legal implications under the PBPT Act. Find out who is involved an...

August 23, 2024 1008 Views 0 comment Print

From Side Hustle to Tax Puzzle: A Freelancer’s Guide to Taxes

CA, CS, CMA : Discover the complexities of tax compliance for freelancers and gig workers, from understanding income sources to navigating legal...

June 8, 2024 1863 Views 3 comments Print

Section 80C Deduction: Under Construction Property Cases

Income Tax : Unlock Tax Savings! Explore how strategic investments in under construction properties can lead to substantial benefits, including...

December 1, 2023 3165 Views 0 comment Print

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Tax Exemption on notional rent on second self-occupied house (Budget 2019)

Income Tax : While presenting interim Budget 2019-20 FM proposed to exempt the levy of income tax on notional rent on a second self-occupied ho...

February 1, 2019 5535 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Judiciary

Bombay HC directs income tax department to modify utility to allow assessee to make claim of rebate u/s. 87A

Income Tax : Petitioner No.1 is a society registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 and the Bombay Public Trusts Act of 1950. It ...

February 10, 2025 1290 Views 2 comments Print

Assessee entitled to raise objections u/s 264 and 246A even if not raised during original assessment proceedings

Income Tax : Respondents submitted that the impugned orders did not suffer from any irregularity or illegality warranting interference under Ar...

February 3, 2025 300 Views 0 comment Print

Capital gain tax set aside as land not situated within municipal limits: ITAT Jodhpur

Income Tax : ITAT Jodhpur held that addition of income and capital gain tax levied thereon is liable to be set aside as land not situated withi...

January 28, 2025 297 Views 0 comment Print

Regulation 16A(3A) of CIRP regulations to be followed for replacement of authorised representative

Corporate Law : NCLAT Delhi held that regulation 16A(3A) of the CIRP Regulations has to be followed for replacement of Authorised Representatives....

January 28, 2025 72 Views 0 comment Print

ITAT Allows Interest Deduction Citing Consistency with Revenue Authorities’ Orders in Previous & Subsequent Years

Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad rules on Bhaveshkumar Patel's appeal against disallowance of interest claim under Income Tax Act. Decision aligns w...

January 16, 2025 252 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Notifications

UBD (PCB) BPD Cir No. 34 /16.26.000/2009

Fema / RBI : 2. With a view to disseminating information on the SLR status of a Government security, it has been decided that: (i) the SLR stat...

December 17, 2009 2033 Views 0 comment Print

Deduction of Interest Paid on More Than One Loan Borrowed for Purchase or Construction of same House

February 7, 2012 3159 Views 0 comment Print

There is no bar in section 24 of the Income Tax Act regarding the number of loans on which interest is allowable simultaneously. In fact ,the simple rule of the deduction of interest u/s 24 of the Income Tax Act is that whatever be the interest paid or due on loan borrowed for purchase or construction of house is allowable as deduction. So, whether you take loan from one bank or five banks , all loan should be utilised for buying or constructing the house for allowance of interest paid to all the banks.

Assessee is entitled to deduction for society charges for the property given on rent

October 16, 2011 13984 Views 2 comments Print

Saif Ali Khan Vs ACIT (ITAT Mumbai) -With regard to the deduction of Society charges, we find that it has also been disallowed by the AO on the ground that since a flat amount of 30% of annual value is allowed, no other deduction is allowable. However, we find that sec. 24(a) reads as under B

UBD (PCB) BPD Cir No. 34 /16.26.000/2009

December 17, 2009 2033 Views 0 comment Print

2. With a view to disseminating information on the SLR status of a Government security, it has been decided that: (i) the SLR status of securities issued by the Government of India and the State Governments will be indicated in the Press Release issued by the Reserve Bank of India at the time of issuance of the securities; and (ii) an updated and current list of the SLR securities will be posted on the Reserve Bank’s website (www.rbi.org. in) under the link ” Database on Indian Economy”.

Where fair market value of the capital asset under transfer is less than the valuation as per Stamp Value Act

November 1, 2009 2304 Views 0 comment Print

Where fair market value of the capital asset under transfer is less than the valuation as per SVA and such valuation as per SVA becomes final under Stamp Duty Act then the assessee is left with no choice and has to pay tax on the notional sale consideration on the valuation as per SVA.

Brokerage paid on renting of property not allowable u/s. 23 and 24 of the Income Tax Act

July 31, 2009 13938 Views 0 comment Print

Brokerage could be claimed as collection charges if as per the agreement, it is the responsibility of the broker to collect the rent but provision relating to deduction on account of collection charges in sub-clause (viii) of section 24 stand deleted from Assessment year 1993-94 and collection charges are included in the lump-sum deduction of 1/4th of annual value allowable as deduction under sub-clause (i).

Determination of annual value of a IInd house which is not let out

February 25, 2009 4514 Views 0 comment Print

4.3 Both the authorities below have taken a view that though section 24(b) does not draw any distinction between a property that is self-occupied and one that is not, the assessee having not disclosed any income (annual value) there-against, and which can only be in respect of one house property, which stands already specified by him (the residential property at Shalimar Enclave, Agra), the assessee’s claim for deduction u/s. 24(b) is not maintainable.

Estate of Ambalal Sarabhai vs CIT (Gujarat High Court)

July 4, 2000 1305 Views 0 comment Print

The Tribunal, Ahmedabad Bench, has referred the following questions in respect of the asst. yrs. 1972-73 and 1973-74 for the consideration of the High Court under s. 256(1) of the IT Act, from the Tribunal’s order dt. 18th August 1981, and 20th August 1983, the later being question on the ground which was raised but through oversight not decided in the earlier order by the Tribunal.

CIT vs J. K. Investor (Bombay) Ltd. (Bombay High Court)

June 5, 2000 1323 Views 0 comment Print

The short point which arises for consideration in this appeal is : Whether notional interest on interest-free deposit received by the assessee against letting of property could be taken into account in cases falling under section 23(1)(b) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’) In other words, whether notional interest would form part of actual rent received or receivable under section 23(1)(b) ?

M/s. Chelmsford Club Vs CIT (Supreme Court)

March 2, 2000 7349 Views 0 comment Print

The High Court relying on Section 22 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) and following the judgment of Allahabad High Court in the case of C.I.T., U.P. v. Wheeler Club Limited {(1963) 49 ITR 52} and some observations of the Delhi High Court in the case of C.I.T., Delhi-II v. Delhi Gymkhana Club Ltd. (155 ITR 373)

CIT vs Sampathammal Chordia (Madras High Court)

July 15, 1998 717 Views 0 comment Print

Whether, on the facts and in the circumstances of the case and having regard to the provisions of Section 23 of the Income-tax act, 1961, the Appellate Tribunal was right in holding that only the actual rental receipts should be treated as annual letting value though the municipal authorities have fixed the annual value at a higher figure than the actual rent ? and

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March 2025