Income Tax : Explore major income tax updates for FY 2025-26, including revised tax slabs, TDS/TCS rules, rebates, and benefits for startups. S...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 removes higher TDS/TCS for non-filers, effective from April 1, 2025, easing compliance burdens, though higher ra...
Income Tax : Explore key FAQs about higher TDS rates under Sections 206AA and 206AB, including applicable rates, exemptions, and compliance che...
Income Tax : Understand the TDS provisions on rent payments under Sections 194-I and 194-IB of the Income-tax Act. Know the rates, thresholds, ...
Income Tax : CBDT excludes RBI from the definition of specified person under Sections 206AB & 206CCA of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Learn the imp...
Income Tax : Understand tax deduction rules for dividends as per Income-tax Act, 1961 amendments. Detailed guide on TDS rates, exemptions, and ...
Income Tax : RBI exempted from Section 206AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961, via Ministry of Finance notification dated May 27, 2024. Learn more a...
Income Tax : DGIT(S)/ADG(S)-2/Compliance Check/432/2021-22 Government of India Ministry of Finance Central Board of Direct Taxes Directorate of...
Income Tax : The provision of higher TDS under section 206AB is not applicable on tax to be deducted under sections 194-1A, 194-IB and 194M. Th...
Income Tax : Income Tax Department has released a new functionality Compliance Check for Section 206AB & 206CCA to facilitate tax deductors/col...
Income Tax : t may be noted that as per the provisos of sections 206AB & 206CCA of the Act, the specified persons shall not include a non-resid...
TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN Reference : Communication on section 206AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Subject : Confirmation of Turnover, Pan and Income Tax Return Filing details for the purpose of determining rate of Tax Deduction at Source/Tax Collection at Source Dear Sir/M’adam, We, ‘XYZ Private Limited’ do hereby confirm that we have […]
TDS/ TCS on Non- filers of ITRs at Higher Rates U/s 206AB and 206CCA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (effective from 01.07.2021). Article contains Analysis of Section 206AB, Analysis of Section 206CCA, Sample format of Declaration To Be Obtained From Parties For Not Imposing Higher TDS/ TCS Rates As Per Section 206AB/ 206CCA of […]
Demystifying provisions of TDS u/s 194Q vis a vis TCS u/s 206C(1H); 206AB & 206CCA (Also refer CASE STUDY – TDS u/s 194Q vis-a-vis TCS u/s 206C(1H)- appended herewith) Various obligations has been prescribed in Income Tax Act and Rules for deduction of tax at sources (TDS) as well as collection of Tax at source […]
Higher rate of withholding tax for non-filers of income-tax returns – Section 206AB Section 206AA of the IT Act provides for higher rate of tax withholding for non-furnishing of PAN. In order to further increase the compliance of filing return of income by persons who have borne a reasonable amount of withholding taxes, the Finance […]
Undertaking pursuant to Section 206AB and Section 206CCA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 To, (NAME OF THE BUYER/ SERVICE PROVIDER) Dear Madam/Sir, Subject: Declaration confirming filing of Income Tax Return for immediate two preceding years This is in respect to payments due or payments to be made to us for Financial Year 2021-22 (period […]
The Finance Act, 2021 has introduced a new Section- Sec. 206AB. This is a Special Provision for deduction of tax at source for non-filers of income tax return. This Section shall come into effect from 01st July, 2021. The purpose behind introducing this Section is to ensure maximum income tax coverage and compliance. The Government […]
Bracing for implementation of Section 206AB of Income-tax Act Finance Act, 2021 made certain sweeping changes in the provisions relating to tax deduction at source in order to enhance the current tax base and bring more taxpayers into the fold of tax compliances and reporting in the country. One such change with far-reaching implication was […]
Section 206AB and Section 206CCA of the Income Tax Act were recently incorporated in the Income Tax Act, 1961 through the Finance Act, 2021. Both the sections are going to be applicable from 1st July, 2021. As per the provisions of both the sections, higher rate of TDS/TCS rate shall be levied by the Tax […]
Understand the provisions of Section 206AB for TDS deduction. Learn about the special provision for tax deduction for non-filers of income tax returns.
This article deals with section 206AB of The Income Tax Act, 1961 which is going to be effective from 1st July, 2021. The practice of putting some other date instead of first day of the financial year from which the amendment could apply seems to be unexplainable and such provisions coming into effect from such date (not from the first day of financial year) also do not caution the taxpayers clearly in advance on smooth application of the provisions.