Income Tax : Dive into the intricacies of TDS under Sections 194C, 194H, 194J, and explore their critical relation with Section 194M. Clear ins...
Income Tax : Updated TDS Rate Chart for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25). Find the latest rates for tax deduction at source for various transactions. Ea...
Income Tax : TDS Rate Chart for FY 2023-2024 (AY 2024-2025) – Get complete details on Budget 2023 Amendments, Nature of Payment & Threshold L...
Income Tax : Unravel the complexities of TDS under Section 194M on payments to resident contractors and professionals. Learn about the nature o...
Income Tax : Explore the updated Income Tax TDS Rate Chart for FY 2022-23 / AY 2023-24. Comprehensive guide covering TDS rates on various incom...
Income Tax : Understand Section 194M of the Income-tax Act, governing tax deduction at source (TDS) for individuals or Hindu undivided families...
Income Tax : Recently introduced Section 194M of Income tax Act, making it mandatory for Individual & HUF to deduct 5% TDS on prescribed pa...
CA, CS, CMA : As the Announcement under UNION BUDGET 2019 had proposed a new section 194 M of the Income Tax Act,1961, which requires an Individ...
Income Tax : CBDT extends due date for payment of TDS under section 194M during the month of September, 2019 and October, 2019 and the due date...
Income Tax : The CBDT has notified that any sum deducted under section 194M shall be paid to the credit of the Central Government within a peri...
Now, a new section 194M has been inserted whereby Individuals/HUFs (not covered under section 194C, 194H & 194J) shall deduct TDS @5% at the time of payment or credit in the books to any resident for:
Section 194M: TDS @ 5% on payment to Resident Contractors & Professionals by an Individual / HUF [applicable w.e.f. 01.09.2019] A New Section 194M is inserted in The Income Tax Act, 1961 [“The Act”] vide Finance Act, 2019 to provide for levy of TDS at the rate of 5% on the sum paid or credited in a […]
CBDT extends due date for payment of TDS under section 194M during the month of September, 2019 and October, 2019 and the due date for furnishing the challan-cum-statement in Form 26QD for the same, from 31.10.2019 and 30.11.2019 respectively to 31.12.2019. Consequently, the due date of furnishing of the certificate of deduction of tax in […]
A New section, 194M has been introduced vide finance act, 2019 with regard to Payment of certain sums by certain individuals or Hindu undivided family, which reads as follows: Any person, being an individual or a Hindu undivided family (other than those who are required to deduct income-tax as per the provisions of section 194C, section 194H or section […]
Income Tax Updates for the Month of November 2019 (Notifications, Circulars and other amendments) 1. Tax deducted u/s 194M (TDS by Individual/HUF) to be deposited within 30 days from the end of the month in which tax deducted CBDT Notification No.98/2019-Income Tax dated 18-Nov-2019 a) Sec 194M: Applicable w.e.f 01-Sep-2019 An Individual/HUF (for whom Sec […]
FM Nirmala Sitharaman has presented her first Union Budget on 5 July 2019. In the Union Budget Sec 194M and Sec 194N of Income Tax Act, 1961 has introduced with a view to encourage digital payments and discourage the practice of making payments in cash, the Union Budget 2019 has introduced Section 194N for deduction […]
This Article give the snapshot of the newly inserted sections i.e. Section 194M and Section 194N in the Finance Act (No. 2), 2019. Also covers Income Tax Notification No. 98/2019 dated 18th November 2019 issued by CBDT.
The CBDT has notified that any sum deducted under section 194M shall be paid to the credit of the Central Government within a period of thirty days from the end of the month in which the deduction is made and shall be accompanied by a challan-cum-statement in Form No. 26QD. Every person responsible for deduction […]
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her maiden budget speech announced some income tax-related changes which will come into effect from September 1, 2019. Cash withdrawals exceeding INR 1 crore in aggregate in a year from finance institutions will attract TDS while in case of property transactions, the definition of immovable property has been broadened […]
Article explains Section wise requirement of TDS deduction, Threshold exemption limit and rate at which TDS needs to be deducted. Article is updated as on 01.10.2019 to include sections under which TDS needs to be deducted from 01st October 2019. Newly introduced section are Section 194M – TDS on any work in pursuance of contract […]