Income Tax : Dive into the intricacies of TDS under Sections 194C, 194H, 194J, and explore their critical relation with Section 194M. Clear ins...
Income Tax : Updated TDS Rate Chart for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25). Find the latest rates for tax deduction at source for various transactions. Ea...
Income Tax : TDS Rate Chart for FY 2023-2024 (AY 2024-2025) – Get complete details on Budget 2023 Amendments, Nature of Payment & Threshold L...
Income Tax : Unravel the complexities of TDS under Section 194M on payments to resident contractors and professionals. Learn about the nature o...
Income Tax : Explore the updated Income Tax TDS Rate Chart for FY 2022-23 / AY 2023-24. Comprehensive guide covering TDS rates on various incom...
Income Tax : Understand Section 194M of the Income-tax Act, governing tax deduction at source (TDS) for individuals or Hindu undivided families...
Income Tax : Recently introduced Section 194M of Income tax Act, making it mandatory for Individual & HUF to deduct 5% TDS on prescribed pa...
CA, CS, CMA : As the Announcement under UNION BUDGET 2019 had proposed a new section 194 M of the Income Tax Act,1961, which requires an Individ...
Income Tax : CBDT extends due date for payment of TDS under section 194M during the month of September, 2019 and October, 2019 and the due date...
Income Tax : The CBDT has notified that any sum deducted under section 194M shall be paid to the credit of the Central Government within a peri...
♦ Introduction: Section 194M was introduced for the purpose to cover some specific high value transactions in personal nature under TDS which was previously excluded from TDS. ♦ Scope and meaning of section 194M: 1. Any person being an individual or HUF [other than those who are required to deduct income-tax as per the provisions […]
Simple TDS Rate Chart for Financial Year 2020-21 – Applicable from 14th May 2020 Kindly Note amended rates are been given on the basis of PIB Notification dated 13.05.2020 and on the date of Publication of this post no notification in this regard is been notified by the CBDT. Press release can be accessed at […]
Section 194M related to deduction of TDS on Payment of certain sums by certain individual or Hindu undivided family was introduced by the Finance Act 2019. As per Section 194M any person being an individual or HUF making payment to any resident for carrying out any work in pursuance of contract, by way of commission […]
TDS Rate Chart For Assessment year 2021-22 /Financial Year 2020-21 As we all are aware that yesterday our Honourable Finance Minister has conducted press release. In that press release she declared that The TDS rates for all non-salaried payment to residents, and tax collected at source rate will be reduced by 25 percent of the […]
In Budget 2020, Government has made various amendment either changes in existing TDS/TCS Rates or addendum new TDS/TCS Rates, A.Y 2021-22 TDS Rates Chart (Specific to Changes in Budget) Changes in Existing Rate Sr.No Nature of Payment Section Limit TDS Rate for Ind. and HUF Other than Ind. and HUF If […]
TAX DEDUCTION AT SOURCE (TDS) In order to ensure better tax compliance and ensuring the timely payment of tax to the Government treasury, a mechanism has been established by making it mandatory for certain persons responsible for making payment of some expenses to deduct tax from such payment and deposit it to the Government account. […]
1. Important Information on Download 197 Certificate for Section 194M -Only TRACES Registered users can Download 197 Certificate for Section 194M from F.Y 2019-20 onwards. -Deductor (after login as a Taxpayer on TRACES) can download 197 certificate if request of Form-13 is approved by Assessing Officer. -Deductor can view or download 197 Certificate for Section […]
Article compiles TDS Rate Chart For Financial Year 2020-21 and Assessment Year 2021-22 along with Due date of Payment of TDS and mode of Payment of TDS. Article explains Section under which TDS is deductible and TDS Rate Applicable. Article Covers Change in TDS Applicable from 01.04.2020 which was proposed by Union BUdget 2020 which […]
What is Section 194M, Reason for the introduction of Section 194M, What is the meaning of ‘work’, ‘contract’, and ‘professional services’ in Section 194M, Who has to deduct TDS under section 194M, When can one deduct tax at source under section 194M, Rate of TDS under Section 194M and What is the time limit on […]
The Union Budget 2019-20 for the FY 2019-2020 was presented on 05th July 2019. The Budget proposed new Sections for TDS such as 194M which is applicable from 01st September, 2019. Article explains Reason for introduction of Section 194M, Meaning of Section 194M, Person liable to deduct TDS under Section 194M, Time limit for Tax […]