Income Tax : Understand whether director remuneration is taxed as salary or business income. Learn about tax implications, employer-employee re...
Income Tax : Explore major income tax updates for FY 2025-26, including revised tax slabs, TDS/TCS rules, rebates, and benefits for startups. S...
Income Tax : Section 194J increases the tax deduction threshold for professional services, technical services, royalty, and sums under section ...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 proposes new TDS thresholds for various sections, including interest, dividends, and commissions, effective Apri...
Income Tax : Explore the implications of TDS on expense reimbursements post-Section 194R implementation and understand the invoicing criteria....
Income Tax : From October 2024, payments under Section 194J (professional fees) will be excluded from TDS under Section 194C (payments to contr...
Income Tax : Following is the summary of Suggestion /representation on behalf of the taxpayers/professionals in connection with the Direct tax ...
Income Tax : A representation is been made to CBDT Chairman by leading accounting and CA Organisations of India and it is been requested that...
Income Tax : It is suggested that the TDS limit for payment of professional or technical fees under section 194J may be increased from Rs. 3000...
Income Tax : On the issue of retrospective amendment, Union Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has said that he had given a commitment in ...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai ruled in favor of Jayaram Rangan, holding that consultancy fees received as a Managing Director should be taxed as pr...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court held that TDS is not deductible on payment to non-residents for advertisements in several social medias like ...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that although the assessee company was following the mercantile system of accounting, only real income could be ...
Income Tax : Assessee was not liable to deduct TDS under section 194H as relationship between e-commerce platform and assessee was not of an ...
Income Tax : Section 36(1)(vii) of ITA applied separately to non-rural debts, while Section 36(1)(viia) of the tax statute only applied to rura...
Income Tax : Law Relating to Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) on payments by broadcasters or television channels to production houses for product...
Income Tax : Circular No. F. No.275/73/2007-IT(B) Service Tax component to be considered for deducting tax on any sum paid as professional and...
Where assessee paid interest on term loan which had entirely been used for purpose of purchasing the assets for purpose of business which were hypothecated to bank and it had sufficient interest-free funds to take care of advances, the deduction under section 36(1)(iii) was allowable.
Section 194J would have application only when the technology or technical knowledge, experiences/ skills of a person is made available to others which can be further used by him for its own purpose and not where by using technical systems, services are rendered to others.
DCIT Vs. Yash Raj Films (P) Ltd. (ITAT Mumbai) In this case stand of assessee has been that assessee company had deducted TDS on the negative processing charges paid to Kodak India Ltd. as per the provisions of section 194J of the Act, as the negative processing involves specific tasks of editing, enhancement of quality […]
Challenging the orders dated 14/03/2014 and 14/07/2014 of the CIT(A)-14, Mumbai the assessee has filed the present appeals for the above mentioned Assessment Years(AY.s). Assessee is a foreign bank and is providing banking services.
Contention of the assessee that the non-compete fee is the business expenditure of the assessee has been upheld. The assessee has always contended that it is its business expenditure and therefore, it was required to deduct the tax at source u/s 194J of the Act. For failure to deduct the tax inspite of being liable to do so, the penalty u/s 271 C is clearly leviable.
Tribunal found that roaming charges cannot be considered as fee for technical services, therefore, the provisions of Section 194J of the Income-tax Act, 1961 is not applicable.
Since advertising agency only acting as an intermediary between assessee radio broadcasting station and the advertiser, raised bills to the advertiser on net amount charged by the assessee, charging separate commission from the advertiser, deduction from the gross amount was in the nature of discount only and not commission, therefore, liability to deduct tax under section 194H did not get attracted.
No technical services were involved in payment of carriage charges made by the assessee for broadcasting of the programmes produced by the assessee. The assessee produced various types of programmes/ serials and news and these were telecasted/ broadcasted through Multi System Operators. Payments in this regard were made as carriage charges for which payment of tax was deductible under section 194C of the Income Tax Act.
It has been submitted that taking out of the final negative of the films does not involve rendering of any technical or professional services. Therefore, TDS is required to be deducted u/s 194C.
Remuneration paid to six professionals engaged by the company was liable for deduction of tax at source u/s 192 as the same was in the nature of salary as against the claim of the assessee to deduct tax u/s 194J on these payments on the ground that these persons were acting in the capacity of independent professionals and not as employee of the company.