Income Tax : Now-a -days most of the employers, especially the companies have been providing loans to their employees for the purpose of purcha...
Income Tax : The word ‘Gratuity’, has not been defined in the Income-Tax Act, 1961(the Act). In the absence of any definition of ‘Gratuit...
Income Tax : Recently, I was approached by a multi-national company for an opinion regarding tax-treatment of the expenses reimbursed by the co...
Income Tax : There are a number of entities, the income / surplus of which is governed by the principle of mutuality and therefore, such income...
Income Tax : Of late, the concept of Transferable Development Rights (TDRs) has been very much in vogue, in regard to the developers and builde...
A number of clients have raised a query whether any amendment of section 50C of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 (the Act), has been proposed by the Finance Bill, 2010. The aforesaid query, has got its genesis in the amendment of sub-clause (b) of section 56(2)(vii) of the Act, as proposed by the Finance Bill, 2010. As per the aforesaid amendment, the stipulation regarding transactions involving cases of consideration lower than its stamp duty value
It was held in this case that where it is found that for earning exempted income no expenditure has been incurred, disallowance under section 14A cannot stand. In view of the finding of the Tribunal, it is clear that the expenditure on interest was set-off against the income from interest and the investment in the share and funds was out of the dividend proceeds. In view of this finding of fact, disallowance under section 14A was not sustainable.
Recently in one of the cases of educational institutions, the Assessing Officer (AO) issued a show-cause letter calling for an explanation from the assessee, as to why it should not be treated as an association of persons (AOP), engaged in a profit making business. In support of the aforesaid allegation, the Assessing Officer excluded the expenditure on land, building, equipment, furniture, etc., from the income applied towards the objects of the trust and thereby worked out surplus,
(i) Whether the revised TDS rates for payment to contractors and TDS on Hire / Rentals, are effective from 1.10.2009. (ii) Whether surcharge and education cess should not be deducted with immediate effect, from non-salary payments being made to residents (Individuals as well as domestic companies).
As per the aforesaid newly inserted section 115WM, nothing contained in Chapter XII-H shall apply, in respect of any assessment for the assessment year (AY), commencing on 1.4.2010, or any subsequent AY. In other words, the fringe benefit tax (FBT) has been abolished from the AY 2010-11, onwards, i.e. from the financial year (FY) 2009-10, onwards.
With the abolition of FBT, a question arises as to the tax-treatment to be given to a number of perquisites / fringe benefits, which were earlier liable to FBT and therefore, not chargeable as perquisites in the hands of the employees, in view of the provisions of the erstwhile section 17(2)(vi) of the Act.
As per the provisions of section 43B(f) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act), any sum payable by the assessee as an employer in lieu of any leave at the credit of his employee shall be allowed only in the previous year or financial year in which such sum is actually paid by him. In other words, the claim for deduction in respect of the provision made by an assessee-employer in relation to the liability under the leave encashment scheme
As per section 195, tax is required to be deducted at source from payment to non-residents, if the same is chargeable to income-tax under the Income-Tax Act, 1961 (the Act). In this connection, it may be stated that as per the Instruction issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), except in the case of certain personal remittances which have been specifically exempted, no remittance could be made to a non-resident, unless a No Objection Certificate (NOC) has been obtained from the Income-Tax Department.
In both the aforesaid judgements, it has been held by the Apex Court that beneficiary of exemption under section 10(5) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 (the Act), relating to leave travel concession / assistance is the individual employee. There is no Circular of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), requiring the employer to collect and examine the supporting evidence in respect of declaration furnished by the employee
1. When you emit noble and positive energy in the form of good thoughts, good speech and good deeds into the Cosmos, you attract high frequency, noble and protective Cosmic energy into your life. 2. What you focus upon, you empower and what you empower, you attract. Therefore, if you are normally in a complaint mode, you emit and empower negative energy,