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Section 14A disallowance even in absence of any exempt income

Income Tax : Clarification in respect of disallowance under section 14A in absence of any exempt income during an assessment year Section 14A o...

February 1, 2022 36654 Views 3 comments Print

Section 14A disallowance- South Indian Bank Ltd Vs. CIT (Supreme Court)

Income Tax : The issue before the Hon’ble Supreme Court (SC) was whether section 14A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) enables the Depart...

September 21, 2021 7806 Views 1 comment Print

Disallowance under section 14A: Another instance where section is not invoked

Income Tax : The ever debatable ‘Disallowance under section 14A’ (read with Rule 8D (2) now has again found a different horizon whe...

May 19, 2021 4284 Views 0 comment Print

No applicability of section 14A on LTCG exemption of Rs.1 Lakh

Income Tax : No applicability of section 14A on exemption of Rs.1,00,000/- (One Lakh) Long Term Capital Gain (LTCG) under Section 112A of Incom...

January 14, 2021 64380 Views 2 comments Print

Analysis of Section 14A read with Rule 8D

Income Tax : Section 14A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (‘the Act’) provides that no deduction shall be allowed of any expenditure incurred in...

October 16, 2020 79041 Views 1 comment Print

Latest News

Stop Mechanical disallowance of expenditure u/s 14A r.w. Rule 8D: ICAI

Income Tax : The mechanical disallowance u/s 14A r.w. Rule 8D is also being added to the book profit by the AO irrespective of the fact whethe...

January 24, 2018 843 Views 0 comment Print

Bombay high court to hear petition challenging Constitutional validity of Rule 8D

Income Tax : As earlier intimated to you, Writ Petition bearing No. 50 of 2010 (Indian Exporters Grievances Forum & Other vs. CIT) challenging ...

February 17, 2010 522 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Judiciary

Section 14A Explanation Applies Prospectively from 01/04/2022, Not Retrospectively

Income Tax : Explanation to Section 14A has only a prospective effect from April 1, 2022, and cannot be retrospectively applied to earlier asse...

March 8, 2025 162 Views 0 comment Print

2022 Section 14A Amendment: Prospective, No Disallowance Without Exempt Income

Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules 14A amendment is prospective. No disallowance if no exempt income earned, upholding Delhi HC's Era Infrastructur...

February 23, 2025 360 Views 0 comment Print

Consider Investments Yielding Exempt for Rule 8D Disallowance: ITAT Delhi

Income Tax : ITAT Delhi remanded the issue back to file of AO to re-compute disallowance under rule 8D(2)(ii) of the Income Tax Act by taking t...

February 6, 2025 243 Views 0 comment Print

Rule 8D Disallowance should be Based on Average Investment Value: ITAT Mumbai

Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that disallowance under rule 8D(2)(ii) r.w.s. 14A of the Income Tax Rules should be made on average value of inve...

February 6, 2025 201 Views 0 comment Print

No Retrospective Amendment to Section 14A vide Finance Act 2022: ITAT Mumbai

Income Tax : The ITAT Mumbai dismissed the Revenue’s plea on Section 14A disallowance, ruling that the amendment introduced in Finance Act 20...

January 27, 2025 915 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Notifications

CBDT Circular No. 5/2014 Dated: 11.02.2014

Income Tax : Circular No. 5/2014-Income Tax Central Board of Direct Taxes, in exercise of its powers under section 119 of the Act hereby clari...

February 11, 2014 53501 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 45/2008-Income Tax Dated: March 24, 2008 on Section 14A

Income Tax : INCOME TAX NOTIFICATION NO-45/2008, DT: March 24, 2008 Method for determining amount of expenditure in relation to income not incl...

March 31, 2008 3671 Views 0 comment Print

Calculation of Average Investment U/s 14A r.w rule 8D only Tax Free Investment to be Considered

April 11, 2015 10501 Views 0 comment Print

For the assessment year 2008-09 the assessee had reported a tax exempt income to the tune of Rs. 18,26,360/- amongst other heads of income. The AO added back Rs. 19,96,242/- under Section 14A. While doing so, the AO applied Rule 8D by taking into consideration the total quantum of interest other than that invested

Disallowance u/s 14A read with Rule 8D cannot exceed exempt income

February 4, 2015 16130 Views 0 comment Print

Assessee argued that No expenditure directly or indirectly was incurred by the assessee for earning exempt income and further the investment in shares was made in earlier years out of own funds and not out of borrowed funds, therefore, no disallowance u/s 14A r.w. Rule 8D is to be made.

Section 14A disallowance Under Income Tax Act, 1961

January 31, 2015 380936 Views 4 comments Print

 CA Ram Bajaj Introduction 1. Section 14A was first inserted by the Finance Act, 2001. However, same was inserted with retrospective effect from 1-4-1962. The inserted section reads as under:— ’14A. Expenditure incurred in relation to income not includible in total income.—For the purposes of computing the total income under this Chapter, no deduction shall […]

Section 14A & Rule 8D disallowance cannot be made if there is no exempt income

January 27, 2015 3549 Views 0 comment Print

On the issue whether the respondent-assessee could have earned dividend income and even if no dividend income was earned, yet Section 14A can be invoked and disallowance of expenditure can be made, there are three decisions of the different High Courts directly on the issue and against the appellant-Revenue.

In absence of exempt income, Section 14A disallowance cannot be added to Section 115JB book profits

January 27, 2015 1527 Views 0 comment Print

Learned counsel for the assessee has invited our attention to Hon’ble Delhi High Court’s decision in the case of CIT Vs Holcim India Pvt Ltd [ 2014 TIOL 1586 HC DEL IT] wherein it is held that unless there is an exempt income, disallowance under section 14A cannot be invoked.

Disallowance u/s 14A in cannot be made in respect of Audit Fees

January 27, 2015 2036 Views 0 comment Print

The auditor’s remuneration and legal & professional charges incurred for maintenance of statutory books and its audit etc. were required to be incurred irrespective of whether the Company had any income or not and hence, there was absolutely no basis for considering a part of such expenditure towards earning of exempt income.

S. 14A No disallowance towards exempt income earned on strategic investments

January 27, 2015 3035 Views 0 comment Print

The assessee had made significant investments in the shares of subsidiary companies which are definitely not for the purpose of earning exempt income. The Hon’ble Tribunal in I.T.A. No.3349/Del/2011 in the case of Promain Ltd., after relying upon a Kolkatta judgment of Tribunal in I.T.A. No.1331

Section 14A of Income Tax Act, 1961 – Controversial Provision

January 27, 2015 33284 Views 0 comment Print

Section 14A was enacted vide Finance Act, 2001 w.r.e.f. 1-4-1962, so that net taxable income is actually taxed and no deduction is allowed against taxable income for expenditure incurred in earning exempt income. It was enacted to overcome the Supreme Court decision in the case of Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation v. CIT [2000] 242 ITR 450 (SC) wherein it was held that in case of an indivisible business,

Without receipt of exempted income, Section 14A cannot be invoked

December 14, 2014 1296 Views 0 comment Print

Assessee engaged in the business of real estate and construction had filed its return for AY; 2009-10 declaring an income of Rs.55,45,092/-and for AY: 2010-11 and an income of Rs.8,07,253/-. During the course of assessment proceedings

No disallowance u/s 14A, where assessee have sufficient own funds for making investment

October 24, 2014 1673 Views 0 comment Print

We could notice from the record that the assessee was having share holding funds to the extent of 2607.18 crores and the investment made by it was to the extent of Rs. 195.10 crores. In other words, the assessee had sufficient funds for making the investments and it has not used the borrowed

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