Goods and Services Tax : Tax evasion attempt is punishable under Indian Penal Code. Learn how Deepak Kumar v. State of Punjab proved that Indian Penal Code...
Goods and Services Tax : User Manual For Registration of Profession Tax Steps to navigate through Single Window Portal to apply for Registration under Prof...
Goods and Services Tax : With the advent of GST and dawn of old indirect tax regime in the form of VAT, service tax and central excise etc, the State and...
Goods and Services Tax : Punjab State Development Tax Rules, 2018 Background: On 16th April 2018 Governor of Punjab gave assent to new act called THE PUNJA...
Goods and Services Tax : The First step towards the transaction of GST will be the carry forwarding of the Inputs held in stock on the appointed day and it...
Goods and Services Tax : Request to implement One Time Settlement (OTS) in VAT Assessment cases of small taxpayers from Punjab i.e. below annual turnover O...
Goods and Services Tax : Extension of Due date of filing of Punjab VAT Annual return VAT-20 for year 2016-17 from 30th November 2017 to 08th December 2017...
Goods and Services Tax : Advocate Amit Bajaj Section 27 of the Punjab VAT Act, 2005 has been amended to enhance the rate of Works Contract Tax i.e tax t...
Goods and Services Tax : Punjab VAT has notified all Tax Payers, VAT consultants, CA’s and all other stake holders that Department of Excise and Taxation...
Goods and Services Tax : At present, the information regarding goods being brought into and moving out of the state of Punjab (Inter-state transactions) is...
Goods and Services Tax : Supreme Court upholds P&H HC ruling: Rule 21(8) of Punjab VAT Rules cannot apply retrospectively. ITC rights are protected before ...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the Shiva TexFabs Ltd. vs. State of Punjab case. Learn how Punjab & Haryana High Court reduced pre-deposit under VAT Act d...
Goods and Services Tax : Punjab and Haryana High Court held that if a special provision has been made qua a particular subject (here Value Added Tax), the ...
Goods and Services Tax : Rakesh Jewellers Vs State of Punjab (VAT Appellate Tribunal, Punjab) Brief facts relevant for the decision of the present appeal a...
Goods and Services Tax : Sunyana Sales Corporation Vs State of Punjab (Punjab VAT Tribunal) The Hon’ble Punjab VAT Tribunal allows adjustment of pre-...
Goods and Services Tax : Government of Punjab introduces amendments to the One Time Settlement Scheme for Recovery of Outstanding Dues 2023, enhancing tran...
Corporate Law : (1) This scheme may be called the Punjab One Time Settlement of Outstanding Dues (Second) Scheme, 2021. (2) It extends to the w...
Goods and Services Tax : Outstanding demands or disputed amounts which pertain to regular assessment and its escaped assessment, if any, and are ...
Corporate Law : Here is the summary of the latest amendment made under Punjab State Development Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2021 (PSDT) NOTIFICATION No...
Goods and Services Tax : (1) This scheme may be called the Punjab One Time Settlement of Outstanding Dues, 2021. (2) It extends to the whole of the Stat...
Punjab Government has notified reduced rate of tax on Iron and steel goods as defined u/s 14 (iv) of Central Sales Tax Act, 1961 from 4.5% to 2.5% except on Non-CENVAT paid scrap.
Madras High Court in a very important case namely USA Agencies vs The Commercial Tax Officer has held that input tax credit under system of VAT is merely a concession granted by the Legislature under the sales tax law
The scheme for Lump Sum Tax on plywood is optional. No Input tax cedit will be available to a taxable person opting for lump sum taxation scheme. Taxable person opting for lump sum scheme shall be issuing retail invoice only.
Section 4 of Punjab VAT Act has been amended, which relates to constitution of VAT Tribunal. It provides the constitution of Tribunal, number of members in Tribunal, their qualification, appointment office holding period, power and duties of Tribunal members, chairman and Vice – chairman
These amendments relate to sub-section (7) of section 6 and provides: i) That by issuing a notification the State Government may specify such goods, on which a taxable person shall be required to pay tax in Advance
These amendments sought to deny Input Tax Credit if the goods are not sold or used in a specified manner, and it further sought to provide that input tax credit accrued to a taxable person in a particular tax period will have to be utilised in the same tax period.
Excise & taxation Department has introduced Punjab Voluntary Disclosure of Value add Tax scheme, 2013 which will come into force with immediate effect i.e. from 20th Dec 2013. The scheme was introduced to bring a greater transparency in discharge of tax liabilities & applicable for a taxable persons
NEW REGIME RESTRUCTURED FOR IRON & STEEL INDUSTRY UNDER THE PUNJAB VAT ACT 2005 LIKELY TO BE INTRODUCED FROM 01 FEB 2014 Punjab Government has announced to slash VAT rate on Scrap (Melting & Rolling), ingots, billets, blooms or other semi finished goods, finished goods, interstate sales to 2.5% from 4.95% with surcharge of 10% […]
The Punjab Government has introduced the new tax i.e. Advance Tax by making an amendment in the Punjab Value Added Tax Act, 2005 on the import of the certain goods in the State of Punjab. The advance tax is attracted on 30 items the list of the same is enclosed for your kind reference as earlier entry tax was attracted on 26 items but by introduction of advance tax,
Punjab Government has surprisingly introduced single stage tax system under the Punjab VAT Act, 2005. Punjab Government has notified certain goods, most of which are consumable goods, on which tax under Punjab VAT Act has been levied only at the first stage of its sale.