Income Tax : Explore wishlist for Budget 2024 from an income tax perspective. From standard deduction to LTCG tax rates, discover key proposals...
Income Tax : The scope of this article is primarily focused on the compliance of individuals with the tax system, excluding corporate entities ...
Income Tax : Explore the applicability of Marginal Relief in both old and new tax regimes, designed to ease the tax burden on individuals with ...
Income Tax : Explore the old vs new income tax regime for FY 2023-24. Compare tax slabs, benefits, exemptions, and deductions to determine whic...
Income Tax : Discover the impact of Budget 2023 on Personal Income Tax, including changes in tax rates, exemptions, deductions, and the choice ...
Income Tax : Discover the Ministry of Finance's latest tax changes: ₹75,000 standard deduction, enhanced pension benefits. Potential savings ...
Income Tax : Rates of income-tax in respect of income liable to tax for the assessment year 2021-22 i.e. Financial Year 2020-21 In respect of i...
Income Tax : Union Budget proposed to remove the Dividend Distribution Tax. Currently, companies are required to pay DDT on the dividend paid t...
Income Tax : Tax Bar Association made a Pre Budget Memorandum to Finance Minister and requested for increase in Income Tax Slab Rate, Increase ...
Income Tax : Punjab Accountants Association hs requested Honourable Union Finance Minister, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman to revise Income-tax Slab fo...
Income Tax : t under the proposed section 194K, a Mutual Fund shall be required to deduct TDS @ 10% only on dividend payment and no tax shall b...
Income Tax : As you are aware the Hon'ble Finance Minister in her Budget Speech on lst February 2020 announced a new Scheme namely Vivad se V...
Income Tax : It is clarified that in case of an Indian citizen who becomes deemed resident of India under this proposed provision, income earne...
Tax Planning Tips for Pensioners and senior citizens for Assessment Year 2021-2022 If you want to get pension from April 2020, you have to give an anticipatory statement in Treasury or bank in March 2020. Therefore, as a pensioner you need a basic idea about the new finance bill of Feb 2020. Through this article, […]
Budget 2020 was presented on 1st February, 2020 by our Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman. After presenting the Budget as usual politicians from Ruling Party will support each and every proposal made in Budget,whereas politician from opposite party will called it as ‘Useless’. So ignore all this and if you truly want to know what […]
An Optional New Simplified Personal Income Tax Regime for Individual Tax Payers wherein the below slabs has been introduced subject to no deductions or exemptions:
Budget 2020: Rationalization of tax treatment of employer’s contribution to recognized provident funds (RPFs), superannuation funds and national pension scheme (NPS). Under the existing provisions of the Act, the contribution by the employer to the account of an employee in a recognized provident fund exceeding twelve per cent. of salary is taxable. Further, the amount […]
Enlarging the scope for tax deduction on interest income u/s 194A of the Act Section 194A of the Act governs interest other than interest on securities. Sub-section (1) thereof provides that any person not being individual or HUF who is responsible for paying to a resident any income by way of interest other than income […]
Budget 2020-21 Propose to Exempt non-resident from filing of Income-tax return under sub-section (1) of section 139 in certain conditions. Section 115A of the Act provides for the determination of tax for a non-resident whose total income consists of: (a) certain dividend or interest income; (b) royalty or fees for technical services (FTS) received from […]
Finance Minister presented the Union Budget 2020 in parliament on 01-02-2020. The budget proposed a new tax regime for the individuals and HUF’s. Under this regime , an option has been given to individuals and HUF to pay tax at lower rates, subject to fulfillment of certain condition wherein one of the condition is that […]
Article analyses Proposed Changes in income tax rates for Individuals & HUF (Section 115BAC) proposed by Budget 2020-21 which will be applicable from Financial Year 2020-21
NEW TAX REGIME [SECTION 115BAC] – In Finance Bill, 2020 a new section 115BAC has been inserted to provide concessional slab rate of tax for individuals and HUFs. Further, this section is optional and option has to be exercised on or before the due date of filing return. However, to avail the benefit of concessional […]
In yet another bold move after the Ordinance announcements, the Finance Bill, 2020, inter alia, proposes to abolish dividend distribution tax (DDT), thereby, boosting investible funds and higher dividend payouts by corporates. Currently, DDT is payable by domestic companies at the effective rate of 20.56% on the dividends proposed to be paid to shareholders. These […]