Income Tax : This blog will examine the causes of tax evasion in India, the effects it has on society, and possible remedies to guarantee a mor...
Income Tax : Explore the impact of OECD Two-Pillar tax rules on Indian MNEs. Key changes include taxing profits where value is created and a gl...
Income Tax : Explore the complexities and solutions of taxing the digital economy, including BEPS Action-1, Pillar-1 reforms, and the challenge...
Income Tax : Explore India's taxation laws on international e-commerce transactions, including equalisation levy, withholding tax, and implicat...
Income Tax : Delve into the complexities of digital taxation, exploring its evolution, significance, and global responses. Learn about fair ta...
Income Tax : Eight years ago, you mandated the OECD to address corporate tax avoidance by multinationals, which cost countries at least $240 bi...
Income Tax : Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB), a joint initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Organisation ...
Income Tax : Majority of the members OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting(including India)adoptedyesterday ahigh-le...
Income Tax : CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Slovak Republic tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modif...
Income Tax : CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Poland tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modifications ...
Income Tax : It is not at the whim or fancy of a tax authority to decide as to what constitutes 'beneficial ownership'; it is absolutely fundam...
Income Tax : A reader should be able to come to his / her own conclusion by applying the legislative enactments and judicial pronouncements to ...
Income Tax : High Court held that to say that the person being prosecuted or proceeded against can only be 'shown' such documents, but not prov...
SEBI : PR No. 297/2015 Sixth Meeting of the International Advisory Board of SEBI The Sixth meeting of the International Advisory Board (I...
Income Tax : To combat the problem of offshore tax evasion and avoidance and stashing of unaccounted money abroad requiring cooperation amongst...
NEWS DIRECT TAX 1. CBDT notifies TIEA between India-Marshall Islands. [Notification no 40/2019/F.No. 503/1/2018-FT & TR– IV] 2. Form 15H can be furnished if no tax payable on income after sec. 87A rebate. [Notification No. 41/2019/F. No. 370142/5/2019-TPL] 3. CBDT releases draft notification proposing new audit report Form for Trust/Institution. [NOTIFICATION F.NO. 370142/6/2019-TPL, DATED 21-5-2019] 4. […]
Anurag Agrawal Introduction Over several decades and in step with the globalisation of the economy, intra group transactions have grown exponentially world-wide especially related to intangible assets. The word “intangible asset” is intended to address something which is not a physical asset or a financial asset, which is capable of being owned or controlled for […]
India has time and again shown its commitment to BEPS initiative of the OECD and introduced several reforms in domestic tax legislation to plug loopholes, strengthen information sharing between the contracting states and prevent double non-taxation. In line with its commitment, vide Finance Act 2017; the government has introduced measures to curb thin capitalization in […]
‘Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting’ (MLI for short) is the official title of the multilateral treaty framework that aims to prevent BEPS. Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) refers to artificially shifting profits to low or no-tax locations where there is little or no economic […]
In order to curb structuring by the multinational group Companies having their presence through subsidiaries/ associate companies or permanent establishments in India, the Finance Act 2017 introduced a new section 94B under the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act), in line with the recommendations of OECD BEPS Action Plan 4
The OECD report on Action Plan 13 of BEPS Action plan provides for re-examination of transfer pricing documentation. It also provides for a template for country-by-country reporting of income, earnings, taxes paid and certain measure of economic activity.
The concept of Business connection under the domestic tax laws is akin to concept of PE in international parlance. The term ‘business connection’ includes activities carried on by non-resident through its dependent agents. Presently, a person acting on the behalf of the non-resident by negotiating and concluding contracts, maintaining stock of goods in India or habitually securing orders in India mainly or wholly for the non-resident would constitute its dependant agent in India.
The OECD under BEPS Action Plan 7 reviewed the definition of ‘PE’ with a view to preventing avoidance of payment of tax by circumventing the existing PE definition by way of commissionaire arrangements or fragmentation of business activities.
This article analyses the provisions notified to give effect to the OECD recommendations on three tiered Transfer Pricing documentation, regarding the entities to which the provisions will apply.
The following article has been written to explain the salient features of the reporting requirements enforced on corporations in India/abroad which are said to assist tax authorities around the world to use transfer pricing audit to get the tax due to their countries from corporations who seemed to have found various ways to avoid the tax owed by them.