Finance : Learn about India's 2025 mutual fund tax rules, including updated rates for equity and debt funds, and strategies to reduce your t...
Income Tax : There are various taxes surrounding the transaction of investing in mutual funds. It includes various aspects such as tax on the i...
SEBI : SEBI launches MITRA platform to help investors track inactive mutual fund investments and update KYC details, improving transparen...
Finance : Learn how to balance risk and returns by investing in both debt and equity funds. Build a diversified portfolio to achieve short- ...
Finance : Compare SIP and PPF to decide the better investment for Rs. 3 crore. Learn about risks, returns, and timelines to achieve your fin...
SEBI : Securities and Exchange Board of India Monday 30th September 2024– SEBI Board Meeting Sub: Amendments to the Securities and Exch...
SEBI : SEBI proposes changes to mutual fund disclosures, including expense, returns, and risk-o-meter updates. Public comments are open u...
SEBI : Explore SEBI's MF Lite Regulations consultation paper proposing relaxed rules for passively managed mutual fund schemes to boost i...
SEBI : SEBI seeks public input on mandatory disclosure of Risk Adjusted Return by Mutual Funds to aid investors in making informed decisi...
SEBI : SEBI Consultation Paper on Review of Total Expense Ratio charged by Asset Management Companies (AMCs) to unitholders of schemes of...
Income Tax : Explore the DCIT vs K.E. Faizal case where the ITAT Cochin ruled on taxation of mutual fund gains, analyzing the application of In...
Finance : Franklin Templeton Trustee Services Private Limited and Another Vs Amruta Garg and Others (Supreme Court of India) Prior-consent f...
Finance : SEBI Vs Franklin Templeton Trustees Services Pvt. Ltd (Karnataka High Court) i) We hold that no interference is called for in the ...
SEBI : SEBI introduces MITRA, a platform to help investors trace inactive and unclaimed Mutual Fund folios, ensuring transparency and fra...
SEBI : SEBI mandates daily disclosure of Information Ratio (IR) for equity mutual funds, enhancing transparency and aiding investor decis...
SEBI : SEBI introduces new rules for mutual funds on expense disclosures, returns, risk-o-meter color scheme, effective December 5, 2024....
SEBI : SEBI circular includes mutual fund units under insider trading regulations, effective November 1, 2024, outlining disclosure requi...
SEBI : SEBI mandates valuation of AT-1 bonds based on Yield to Call, aligning with NFRA recommendations. Effective from August 05, 2024, ...
Mutual funds were facing a lot of redemption requests after Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund suddenly shut six of its debt mutual fund schemes on Friday. They are unable to sell some of their investments in the debt market due to poor liquidity. In other words, there are no buyers for lower rated instruments. If mutual funds have to sell them, they will be forced to sell it at a steeply lower price. It will result in sharp fall in the net asset values or NAVs of schemes.
In view of liquidity strains imposed on Mutual Funds by Covid-19 global pandemic, RBI has announced Rs 50000 crore Special Liquidity Facility for Mutual Funds (SLF- MF).
Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) refers to a fund created or incorporated in India by pooling of funds from various investors whether Indian or foreigner by way of private placement for investment in a portfolio of securities in accordance with the defined investment policy for the benefit of its investors.
Background to the FT Fund Closure Franklin Templeton has voluntarily decided to wind up six of its fixed income debt schemes effective from April 23rd 2020. Other funds – Equity and hybrid – are unaffected by Franklin Templeton’s decision. Starting April 24 existing investors in the scheme will not be able to withdraw their investments, […]
This write up is the sequel to my previous article on Mutual Fund, if you have not read it yet, you can check it out at Mutual Fund – The Beginning. In this write-up, I am going to touch upon various terminologies/jargon used in mutual industry (i.e NAV, Sharpe Ratio, Beta, Standard Deviation, Factsheet, etc.), […]
Trust you are all are safe, amid COVID 19. COVID 19 has rendered our economy in a very bad position, the stock market has fallen like anything. To capitalize this fall, I was going through various investment opportunities. What I realized is there are a plethora of instruments available in the market. One which particularly […]
Sec 194K of the income tax act clearly states, that TDS is to be deducted by mutual fund companies only on the dividend payment made of mutual funds. No tax is required to be deducted in the case of capital gain arising on the transfer or sale of mutual fund units. section 194K explicitly provides […]
SEBI vide its notification dated 06th March, 2020 amends the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996. These amendments in Mutual Funds regulations have come into force from March 6, 2020. Mutual funds are regulated by the SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996. What is mutual Fund? Different investment avenues are available to […]
The Union Budget of 2018-19 has changed the tax treatment of all equity and equity-oriented mutual funds. This change was by way of a 10% tax imposed on any long-term capital gain (LTCG) exceeding Rs 1 lakh a year. Equity mutual funds were exempt from the LTCG tax earlier. Hence, this change has been viewed by investors with some worry.
Interest of the investors has been shifting from direct equity investing to equity mutual funds over a few years. Though this is a welcome trend, there are certain mistakes which investors should avoid while making investments as well as while remaining invested in equity mutual funds. Let us discuss some of the major mistakes which […]