CA, CS, CMA : पुरानी सरकारी लेखांकन विधियों के प्रभाव और एकल औ...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn about the Procure-to-Pay cycle and its accounting entries in Oracle Fusion ERP, detailing each step from requisition to paym...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore common Record-to-Report (R2R) interview questions and essential accounting entries like accrued expenses, prepaid expenses...
CA, CS, CMA : This study examines the appropriate methods for building construction and the sale of plots in a township, considering the positio...
Finance : Learn the detailed accounting procedures for issuing bonus shares, including necessary journal entries and their impact on financi...
CA, CS, CMA : Join our free webinar on foreign accounting and bookkeeping, led by expert CA Sachin Jain. Learn about opportunities, techniques, ...
CA, CS, CMA : The Council, at its 400th meeting, held on March 18-19, 2021, considered the matter relating to applicability of Accounting Standa...
CA, CS, CMA : Announcement providing Temporary Exceptions to Hedge Accounting prescribed under Guidance Note on Accounting for Derivative Contra...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI Research paper on Money laundering and scams THROUGH Multi-State Urban Cooperative Credit Societies, Angadia’s & Banks in I...
CA, CS, CMA : The Credit Co-operative societies have misused various gaps of the system over period of time by tapping various regulations for c...
Income Tax : Change in method of accounting was bona fide and with the compliance of the Accounting Standard – AS 9 – Revenue Recognition i...
Income Tax : Method of Accounting regularly followed by the taxpayer which was accepted by the Tax Officer in past cannot be rejected in future...
Income Tax : We find that at the time of survey the sample processing was carried out and according to the sample processing, the bi-products c...
Income Tax : We have heard both the sides in detail. Thrust given by the C1T(A) on the mens rea reflected in the conduct of the assessee does n...
Income Tax : In the instant case, learned counsel for the Revenue is not in a position to demonstrate or satisfy us that due to the change of a...
At present the Manufacturing Companies and Trading Companies are following Financial Accountancy and Cost Accounting to maintain their Books of Accounts
There are numerous reasons to analyze BRS prepared by an entity. One major reason why should an auditor has to be vigilant while performing BRS audit is discussed below. BRS is a statement prepared to reconcile or tally the balance shown in cash book of an entity with that of bank statement.
Best accounting software keeps one’s financial data organized and it however also provides more accurate information anytime when anyone needs it.
Accounting fraud is intentional manipulation of financial statements to create a window dressing of a company’s financial health. It involves an employee, account or the organization itself and is misleading to investors and shareholders. A company canfalsify its financial statements by overstating its revenue or assets, not recording expenses and under-recording liabilities.
As we are gradually moving towards converged IFRS (known as IND-AS in India) in India, there are some rules which have been prescribed by the new accounting standard related to de-recognition of financial liabilities subject to the fulfill of certain requirements.
Before we move on to understand the glitches that are faced at the time of migration, let us analyze the criteria that your company must consider to gauge whether a New Accounting System is indeed desirable.
Fixed assets can be classified as tangible & intangible, IFRS, on Property, Plant & Equipment deals with tangible fixed asset except assets held for capital appreciation.
CA Garima Mittal Introduction Pharmaceutical markets are extremely complex. Consumer demand is often indirect for prescription drugs medicated by doctors. New drugs must undergo costly and time consuming process before it could be sold in the market. Further, brainstorming & analysis need to be done about what to work on and how intensively to invest […]
Mark to market (MTM) is a measure of the fair value of accounts that can change over time, such as assets and liabilities. Mark to market accounting refers to accounting for the fair value of an asset or liability based on the current market price, Fair value accounting has been a part of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in the United States since the early 1990s.
The oil & gas industry is usually divided into three main sectors: upstream (also known as exploration and production (‘E&P’)), midstream & downstream. The upstream part of the industry involves the first phase of finding and drilling oil, the midstream phase involves shipping and storing the oil and the downstream phase involves refining and distributing the processed oil-based products.