Corporate Law : Learn about IMF Registration for private limited companies, its process, requirements, and benefits. Expand into insurance marketi...
Corporate Law : Learn how to apply for a Surveyor & Loss Assessor License in India. Check eligibility, required documents, fees, and IRDAI exam de...
Corporate Law : IRDAI’s 2024 regulations simplify processes for registration, share transfers, and mergers of Indian insurance companies, aiming...
Corporate Law : Explore the complexities faced by insurers and TPAs as data fiduciaries, navigating regulatory landscapes. Learn strategies and im...
Corporate Law : Explore the impact of Insurtech on India's insurance sector, regulatory challenges, and the potential of technology-driven innovat...
Corporate Law : IRDAI permits insurers to use equity derivatives for hedging, aiming to reduce portfolio risks amid market volatility. Strict comp...
Corporate Law : IRDAI has issued 5 new regulations, enhancing data governance, operational efficiency, and innovation in India's insurance sector ...
Corporate Law : Govt. responds to concerns over high health insurance premiums, citing actuarial principles and IRDAI regulations to ensure fair p...
Corporate Law : IRDAI revises regulations for the Insurance Advisory Committee, enhancing meeting flexibility and clarifying advisory roles. Publi...
Corporate Law : IRDAI proposes updates to re-insurance committee regulations, introducing flexibility in meetings and member resignation or remova...
Company Law : Vinay Jaidka Vs Chief Secretary (Delhi High Court) Abhishek Nanda, ld. Counsel who appears for the Insurance Regulatory and Develo...
Corporate Law : Every claim made against an insurance company in respect of a loss, would be a claim within purview of claims “requiring to be p...
Corporate Law : The Supreme Court held recently held in the case of Pushpa @ Leela & Ors. Versus Shakuntala & Ors that the insurance co...
Income Tax : Having regard to the agreement entered into inter se between the hospital and the TPA for payment of money to the hospital, it can...
Income Tax : Srivatsan Surveyors Pvt. Ltd. ('Appellant') is engaged in the business of licensed surveyors and loss assessors under the Insuranc...
Corporate Law : IRDAI allows insurers to undertake Bond Forwards for hedging under specific conditions, aligning with RBI’s 2025 guidelines on...
Corporate Law : IRDAI allows insurers to hedge equity risks using derivatives. The guidelines specify permitted instruments, risk management, and ...
Corporate Law : IRDAI mandates a 4% obligatory cession to GIC Re for 2025-26, excluding terrorism and nuclear risks. Learn about commission rates ...
Corporate Law : IRDAI penalizes UIB Insurance Brokers ₹1 crore for delayed premium remittances. The company must review pending transactions and...
Corporate Law : IRDAI introduces Bima-ASBA via UPI for secure insurance premium payments. Funds blocked until proposal acceptance. Effective from ...
The M/s. Angel Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. (CA) submission that the case under the observation is a one off case is not tenable as similar cases of solicitation by Angel Broking is covered under Charge No.1. The CA is cautioned for following sales practice of engaging the group company Angel Brokering. Considering this particular case […]
The Web Aggregator was not ensuring that the leads generated are concluded within three months of their generation and even then, the Web Aggregator has been paid remuneration from the concerned insurer. It was observed that there were 12,263 cases where the web aggregator received commission for sale of insurance product after three months from the date of lead generation. Same was verified from the lead management system of the WA.
We have discussed on various occasions the importance of an insurance cover and its benefit to keep us financial viable in case of occurrence of any insured peril. Insurance is a valuable method of transfer and reduction of risk. We generally transfer our risks to the insurance companies on the basis of payment of a […]
Reg.37(1) of the Regulations, which provides for ‘grant of single broking registration to one corporate group’. In terms of the above Regulations, one corporate group shall be given only one certificate of registration in the same category of broker. Therefore, multiple broking entities in the same group for carrying out similar kind of or same […]
REGULATORY UPDATES -A GIST OF IMPORTANT CIRCULARS/NOTIFICATIONS/GUIDELINES ISSUED BY THE AUTHORITY (IRDAI). Submitted, for information, the supervisory/ regulatory directions from IRDAI from 1st July 2021 to 31st October, 2021 . The Authority has issued certain Regulations/Guidelines/Circulars on issues as listed below: 1. Standards and Benchmarks for the Hospitals in the provider Network- (IRDAICircular No. IRDAI/HLT/REG/MISC/199/07/2021 […]
Discover the importance of health insurance in today’s world. Learn about the benefits of having a portable insurance policy that can protect you and your family.
Insurers maintain separate current accounts with banks at different operational levels, i.e., Branch offices, Controlling offices, Corporate office, etc., for the purpose of premium collection, management expenses, policy payments, investment operations, etc. Maintenance of current accounts at different operational levels for specific purposes helps the insurers in managing funds, reconciliation of transactions and servicing claims of policyholders efficiently.
The charge pertains to non-submission of requisite information by the Broker to the inspection team such as solicitation related documents, mandate letters, comparison chart, quotes, proposal form, policy documents, complaints related documentation etc.
TPA did not fulfill the Minimum Business Requirements during 2019-20 in any of the parameters as specified under regulation 14 of TPA Regulations, 2016 read with the Minimum Business norms as stipulated under Annexure-11 of Circular Ref: IRDAI/TPA/REG/CIR/130/06/2020 dated 03rd June 2020. It is also observed that on an average basis for the years under […]
Insurers may note that the revised instructions shall come into effect from the financial year 2021-22 and the uploading of disclosures on website shall be on quarterly basis from the period ending 30th September, 2021 whereas publishing in Newspapers will be on half yearly basis from the period ending 30th September, 2021.