Income Tax : A guide on Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) and its reconciliation with Accounting Standards (AS) for taxable in...
CA, CS, CMA : Understand deferred tax on security deposits under IND AS 12, balancing DTL on ROU assets and DTA on discounted deposits for accur...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover a comprehensive FAQ on Ind AS 115, covering revenue recognition principles, key concepts, and implementation challenges. ...
CA, CS, CMA : Detailed Analysis of Differences Between Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFR...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore AS 17 Segment Reporting: its scope, definitions of business and geographical segments, allocation methods, and criteria fo...
Corporate Law : Explore proposed amendments to IAS 32, IFRS 7, and IAS 1 in the Exposure Draft by IASB. Learn how the changes address challenges i...
CA, CS, CMA : Exposure Draft of Amendments to Ind AS 116, Leases, issued by Accounting Standards Board of Institute of Chartered Accountants of ...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI has released Compendium of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) (as on April 01, 2022) along with e-version of related guidan...
CA, CS, CMA : This is the third edition of our earlier issued publication which contains an overview of various aspects related to IFRS-converge...
CA, CS, CMA : IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements requires that, for an entity to classify a liability as non-current, the entity must ha...
CA, CS, CMA : Since offences pertaining to the non-disclosure of the documents which were required under Indian Accounting Standards (IndAS) all...
Income Tax : As per AS-7 when the cost of contract is likely to be exceed the contract revenue then the loss incurred on the contract should be...
Company Law : MCA issues the Companies (Ind AS) Third Amendment Rules, 2024. New provisions for insurers on financial reporting using Ind AS 104...
Company Law : MCA revises Indian Accounting Standards, updating Ind AS 101, 103, 105, and 107, and omitting Ind AS 104 as per Notification G.S.R...
Company Law : MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 31st March, 2023 G.S.R. 242(E). — In exercise of the powers conferred ...
Company Law : NFRA Circular on Non-Accrual of interest on borrowings by the companies in violation of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) It ha...
Company Law : MCA notifies Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2022 vide Notification No. G.S.R 255(E) Dated: 23rd March, 2...
Accounting Standards (AS) 18 – Related Party Disclosures should be applied in reporting related party relationships and transactions between a reporting enterprise and its related parties. The requirements of this Standard apply to the financial statements of each reporting enterprise as also to consolidated financial statements presented by a holding company.
Accounting Standard (AS) 17 Segment Reporting establish principles for reporting financial information, about the different types of products and services an enterprise produces and the different geographical areas in which it operates. Such information helps users of financial statements:
Accounting Standards AS 16 Borrowing Costs prescribe the accounting treatment for borrowing costs. This Standard should be applied in accounting for borrowing costs. This Standard does not deal with the actual or imputed cost of owners’ equity, including preference share capital not classified as a liability.
Accounting Standards (AS) 15 Employee Benefits prescribe the accounting and disclosure for employee benefits. The Standard requires an enterprise to recognise: (a) a liability when an employee has provided service in exchange for employee benefits to be paid in the future; and (b) an expense when the enterprise consumes the economic benefit arising from service provided by an employee in exchange for employee benefits.
Accounting Standards (AS) 14 Accounting for Amalgamations deals with accounting for amalgamations and the treatment of any resultant goodwill or reserves. This Standard is directed principally to companies although some of its requirements also apply to financial statements of other enterprises.
Accounting Standards (AS) 13- Accounting for Investments deals with accounting for investments in the financial statements of enterprises and related disclosure requirements.
Accounting Standards (AS) 12 Accounting for Government Grants deals with accounting for government grants. Government grants are sometimes called by other names such as subsidies, cash incentives, duty drawbacks, etc.
Accounting Standards (AS) 11 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates should be applied (a) in accounting for transactions in foreign currencies; and (b) in translating the financial statements of foreign operations.
Accounting Standards (AS) 10 Property, Plant and Equipment is to prescribe the accounting treatment for property, plant and equipment so that users of the financial statements can discern information about investment made by an enterprise in its property, plant and equipment and the changes in such investment.
Accounting Standard (AS) 9 Revenue Recognition deals with the bases for recognition of revenue in the statement of profit and loss of an enterprise. The Standard is concerned with the recognition of revenue arising in the course of the ordinary activities of the enterprise from the sale of goods, the rendering of services, and the use by others of enterprise resources yielding interest, royalties and dividends.