Income Tax : A guide on Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) and its reconciliation with Accounting Standards (AS) for taxable in...
CA, CS, CMA : Understand deferred tax on security deposits under IND AS 12, balancing DTL on ROU assets and DTA on discounted deposits for accur...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover a comprehensive FAQ on Ind AS 115, covering revenue recognition principles, key concepts, and implementation challenges. ...
CA, CS, CMA : Detailed Analysis of Differences Between Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFR...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore AS 17 Segment Reporting: its scope, definitions of business and geographical segments, allocation methods, and criteria fo...
Corporate Law : Explore proposed amendments to IAS 32, IFRS 7, and IAS 1 in the Exposure Draft by IASB. Learn how the changes address challenges i...
CA, CS, CMA : Exposure Draft of Amendments to Ind AS 116, Leases, issued by Accounting Standards Board of Institute of Chartered Accountants of ...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI has released Compendium of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) (as on April 01, 2022) along with e-version of related guidan...
CA, CS, CMA : This is the third edition of our earlier issued publication which contains an overview of various aspects related to IFRS-converge...
CA, CS, CMA : IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements requires that, for an entity to classify a liability as non-current, the entity must ha...
CA, CS, CMA : Since offences pertaining to the non-disclosure of the documents which were required under Indian Accounting Standards (IndAS) all...
Income Tax : As per AS-7 when the cost of contract is likely to be exceed the contract revenue then the loss incurred on the contract should be...
Company Law : MCA issues the Companies (Ind AS) Third Amendment Rules, 2024. New provisions for insurers on financial reporting using Ind AS 104...
Company Law : MCA revises Indian Accounting Standards, updating Ind AS 101, 103, 105, and 107, and omitting Ind AS 104 as per Notification G.S.R...
Company Law : MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 31st March, 2023 G.S.R. 242(E). — In exercise of the powers conferred ...
Company Law : NFRA Circular on Non-Accrual of interest on borrowings by the companies in violation of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) It ha...
Company Law : MCA notifies Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2022 vide Notification No. G.S.R 255(E) Dated: 23rd March, 2...
TREATMENT OF SHARE BASED PAYMENTS WHILE PREPARING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS PER AS, IND AS AND IFRS (LATEST AND SIMPLIFIED) The relevant Accounting Standards relating to Share Based Payments are the following:- a. INDAS 102 b. IFRS 2 c. Guidance Note issued by ICAI There is no major difference between INDAS 102 and IFRS 2.Therefore, the […]
The relevant Accounting Standards relating to Employee Benefits are the following:- a. INDAS 19 b. IAS 19 c. AS 15 There is no major difference between INDAS 19 and IAS 19.Therefore, the following descriptions relate to both INDAS 19 and IAS 19. Statements of Profit and loss and other Comprehensive income, Statement of changes in […]
This article aims at covering most of the concepts of recently issued Ind AS 116 by the ICAI and MCA which will supersede the earlier issued standard Ind AS 17 on leases w.e.f. 01st April 2019 1. Introduction Ind-AS 116 Leases brings significant changes in accounting requirements for lease accounting, primarily for lessees. Ind-AS 116 […]
Ind AS 116, Leases, is applicable for annual reporting periods beginning on or after April 1, 2019. Entity X has applied Ind AS 116 using modified retrospective approach, under which the cumulative effect of initial application is recognised in retained earnings as on April 1, 2019.
Following is the Exposure Draft of Interest Rate Benchmark Reform (Amendments to Ind AS 109 and Ind AS 107), issued by the Accounting Standards Board (the Board) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, for comments.
In Ind AS 19/IAS 19 Generally 4 types of Benefits have been discussed which can be payable to employees. 1. Short Term Employee Benefits – Payable within 12 Months 2. Post-Employment Benefits – Payable only after completion of Employment 3. Other Long Term employee Benefits – Long term Paid Leave, Disability Benefits 4. Termination Benefits […]
In year 2005, PQR Limited entered into a lease agreement to take on lease an office building from ABC Limited for a period of one year. Since 2005, the contract has been renewed every year for a further period of one year at a time. As per the past practice, it is likely that the contract will be renewed for another one year at the expiry of its current term.
What is the presentation requirement as per Ind AS in India for dividend and dividend distribution tax thereon?
MCA in 2015, had notified the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS)) Rules 2015. This stipulates the manner in which this standard will be applicable to certain classes of the companies and it was introduced in 2 phases by the MCA.
Understanding the applicability of Ind AS 105 on non-current assets held for sale or group disposal. Learn how to classify and recover assets through sale transactions.